
Copenhagen, 28 January 2016 – Denmark, France and the EU: Common challenges, different views?

| 26/01/2016 | |

Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, gives a lecture, organised by the Danish think tank "Europa" on January 28 in Copenhagen, on the challenges brought by Euroscepticism and nationalistic parties, from a French perspective, before a dialogue with the director of research at EUROPA, Catharina Sørensen.



Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, gives a lecture on the challenges brought by Euroscepticism and nationalistic parties, from a French perspective, before a dialogue with the director of research at EUROPA, Catharina Sørensen.

The rise of Euroscepticism and nationalistic parties in the wake of the refugee crisis has a huge impact on the debate about the future of Europe. From France to Denmark nationalistic parties have succeeded in setting a eurosceptical agenda putting pressure on mainstream parties to change. And now some member states are reintroducing national border control, which challenges the fundamental rights of free movement in the EU.

How should Europe deal with these interlinked challenges?

Find more information and the inscription link on Europa website.

Yves Bertoncini, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, gives a lecture on the challenges brought by Euroscepticism and nationalistic parties, from a French perspective, before a dialogue with the director of research at EUROPA, Catharina Sørensen.

The rise of Euroscepticism and nationalistic parties in the wake of the refugee crisis has a huge impact on the debate about the future of Europe. From France to Denmark nationalistic parties have succeeded in setting a eurosceptical agenda putting pressure on mainstream parties to change. And now some member states are reintroducing national border control, which challenges the fundamental rights of free movement in the EU.

How should Europe deal with these interlinked challenges?

Find more information and the inscription link on Europa website.