
2020 virtual Outermost regions Forum | “Together for a sustainable future”

| 12/10/2020 | 17:00 > 18:20 |
Conference |

This virtual high-level event will bring together the nine outermost regions of the EU, their Member States, the EU institutions, civil society and experts interested in learning from the experience of these special EU regions.

The Forum will take stock of the unprecedented challenging situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and its strong socio-economic impacts on the outermost regions and discuss recovery solutions for a targeted response to the crisis. In line with the European Green Deal, the Forum will focus in particular on climate change, circular economy and blue economy as key areas for these regions’ recovery.



Panel Debate n°2 – Blue economy, a driver for growth in the outermost regions

  • Keynote: Pascal Lamy, Chair of the Paris Peace Forum (PPF), Chair of the French
    Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
  • Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,
    European Commission (confirmed)
  • Gui Menezes, Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology, Government
    of the Azores
  • Louis Boutrin, Executive Councillor in charge of Blue Economy, Territorial
    Collectivity of Martinique

Panel Debate n°2 – Blue economy, a driver for growth in the outermost regions

  • Keynote: Pascal Lamy, Chair of the Paris Peace Forum (PPF), Chair of the French
    Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
  • Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries,
    European Commission (confirmed)
  • Gui Menezes, Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology, Government
    of the Azores
  • Louis Boutrin, Executive Councillor in charge of Blue Economy, Territorial
    Collectivity of Martinique

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