Académie Notre Europe n°2 – Green Europe
Académie Notre Europe
Second Session – Green Europe
Friday, 6th of December
The European Union is often depicted as a forerunner worldwide for sustainable development policies: which processes has the European Union followed to develop a particular interest in sustainable development and energy transition? Which policies have been consequently developed on these topics? How does the European Union seek to maintain them at the core of the international negotiation agenda? Are its ambitions matching its means and results? What can we expect from the Green Deal proposed by the new European Commission’s president, Ursula von der Leyen?
09:00 – European Culture Talk “Brexit”
- Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Institute
10:00 – Seminar
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
11:45 – Simulation (1st Part)
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
14:00 – Symposium
- Jean-Arnold Vinois, Adviser on European Energy Policy at the Jacques Delors Institute. He is Honorary Director of the European Commission – Directorate General for Energy
16:00 – Simulation (2nd Part)
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
Program available here. You want to discover or rediscover the Académie ? Please visit the Académie website
Académie Notre Europe
Second Session – Green Europe
Friday, 6th of December
The European Union is often depicted as a forerunner worldwide for sustainable development policies: which processes has the European Union followed to develop a particular interest in sustainable development and energy transition? Which policies have been consequently developed on these topics? How does the European Union seek to maintain them at the core of the international negotiation agenda? Are its ambitions matching its means and results? What can we expect from the Green Deal proposed by the new European Commission’s president, Ursula von der Leyen?
09:00 – European Culture Talk “Brexit”
- Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Institute
10:00 – Seminar
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
11:45 – Simulation (1st Part)
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
14:00 – Symposium
- Jean-Arnold Vinois, Adviser on European Energy Policy at the Jacques Delors Institute. He is Honorary Director of the European Commission – Directorate General for Energy
16:00 – Simulation (2nd Part)
- Emilie Magdalinski, Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director, Jacques Delors Energy Centre
Program available here. You want to discover or rediscover the Académie ? Please visit the Académie website
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Sufficiency: Wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

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Contribution to the European Commission Consultation: European Energy Strategy 2010/2020

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Sense and Flexibility: the Implementation of the EU ETS

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Intervista. Letta: «L’Europa è a un bivio, la vera sfida è finanziare il Green deal»

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L’Europe du climat: vers une grande dissolution ?