
Brussels, 14 March 2018 – European Leadership in Global Competitive Landscape

| 14/03/2018 | 09:30 > 17:00 |

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin and Emilie Magdalinski, research fellows at the Jacques Delors Institute, participate in a workshop aiming at issuing recommendations to reform European industrial strategy and innovation policies so that they enhance the energy transition in the EU.



More specifically, participants will seek to tackle the following question: “How can Europe solve the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Conundrum in Clean Energy?”

For more information on the workshop and its methodology, you can consult the program, enclosed to this announcement.

More specifically, participants will seek to tackle the following question: “How can Europe solve the Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Conundrum in Clean Energy?”

For more information on the workshop and its methodology, you can consult the program, enclosed to this announcement.
