
Brussels, 24 April 2018 – Geo-politics and the need for transition to cleaner energy

| 24/04/2018 | 18:00 > 20:00 |

Geneviève Pons, director of the Jacques Delors Institute's representation in Brussels, and Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, reserach fellow on European energy policy, intervene for a debate organised by Bozar, for the conference cycle entitled "The best of European Think-tanks".



The conference cycle “The Best of European think-tanks” aims at gathering the most established think-tanks in Brussels, and Europe in general, in order for them to share their experiences, missions and main objectives. In the second half of the debate, Geneviève Pons and Thomas Pellerin-Carlin will expose her views on the European strategy for a transition towards cleaner energy, asking whether another pact is necessary and useful, considering the ambitious goals the EU has imposed to herself. They will also remind which challenges the European Union is facing to provide sufficient energy to both industries and and households and to become a global leader in energy transition.

They will have the opportunity to debate with Edouard Simon, director, and Morgane Goret-Le Guen, policy officer energy Confontations Europe Brussels Office, Etienne Bassot, the Director of the Members’ Research Service at EPRS and Alex Wilson, energy policy specialist in the Members Research Service of the European Parliament.

If you want more information on this event, you can consult the dedicated webpage on Bozar’s website.

The conference cycle “The Best of European think-tanks” aims at gathering the most established think-tanks in Brussels, and Europe in general, in order for them to share their experiences, missions and main objectives. In the second half of the debate, Geneviève Pons and Thomas Pellerin-Carlin will expose her views on the European strategy for a transition towards cleaner energy, asking whether another pact is necessary and useful, considering the ambitious goals the EU has imposed to herself. They will also remind which challenges the European Union is facing to provide sufficient energy to both industries and and households and to become a global leader in energy transition.

They will have the opportunity to debate with Edouard Simon, director, and Morgane Goret-Le Guen, policy officer energy Confontations Europe Brussels Office, Etienne Bassot, the Director of the Members’ Research Service at EPRS and Alex Wilson, energy policy specialist in the Members Research Service of the European Parliament.

If you want more information on this event, you can consult the dedicated webpage on Bozar’s website.
