Brussels, 4 April 2019 — Services of general interest in the digital and energy transitions
Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head of the Jacques Delors Energy Center, speaks at the European Economic and Social Council in Brussels to discuss the challenges of digital and energy transitions for public services in Europe.
Read more :
- « From distraction to action – towards a bold Energy Union Innovation Strategy », PELLERIN-CARLIN, T. et Sekine, P.
- « Invest in the clean energy future we want: ten recommendations to accelerate competitive clean energy innovation with Horizon Europe », PELLERIN-CARLIN, T.
- « Making the Energy Transition a European Success », DELORS, J., LETTA, E., PELLERIN-CARLIN, T., FERNANDES, S., RUBIO, E., VINOIS, J.-A.
Read more :
- « From distraction to action – towards a bold Energy Union Innovation Strategy », PELLERIN-CARLIN, T. et Sekine, P.
- « Invest in the clean energy future we want: ten recommendations to accelerate competitive clean energy innovation with Horizon Europe », PELLERIN-CARLIN, T.
- « Making the Energy Transition a European Success », DELORS, J., LETTA, E., PELLERIN-CARLIN, T., FERNANDES, S., RUBIO, E., VINOIS, J.-A.
Unlocking sufficiency at the EU, National and Local Level

Policy Paper
31/08/2024 | Fiona Breucker |
Sufficiency: Wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

31/07/2024 | Fiona Breucker | Karin Thalberg |
Fundamental decarbonisation through sufficiency by lifestyle changes

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30/04/2024 | Fiona Breucker |
The sufficiency manifesto

31/03/2024 | Fiona Breucker |
Report on citizen engagement activities

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29/02/2024 | Fiona Breucker | Alicia Barbas |
Report on vertical and horizontal multilevel governance: 5 case studies

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08/11/2023 | Fiona Breucker | Renato Farfoglia |
Report on the comparative analysis of sufficiency policies

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30/09/2023 | Camille Defard | Fiona Breucker |
Gas supply security in Europe

Policy Paper
2023 European Year of Skills

02/05/2023 | Sofia Fernandes | Inès Thirion |
The Swedish energy transition.
A race far from won

07/09/2022 | Karin Thalberg |
Regional perspectives on energy citizenship and citizen participation in the energy transition

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18/05/2022 | Karin Thalberg |
Energy Sufficiency

13/05/2022 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Leon Leuser |
European Dependence on Russian Gas –The Example of Nord Stream 2

28/02/2022 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen |
Climate policy
of the new German Government

The German Energy transition

Policy Paper
30/11/2021 | Marie Delair | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
High energy prices. Russia fights back?

Policy Paper
29/11/2021 | Jean-Arnold Vinois |
Cop 26: Europe leads the way towards climate neutrality

Other document
02/11/2021 | Camille Defard | Marie Delair | Leon Leuser | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Karin Thalberg |
The European energy price spike

06/10/2021 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Phuc-Vinh Nguyen |
Building a clean mobility system in times of COVID-19

Policy Paper
European Recovery Plan: Time for Green and Social Bonds!

Blog post
24/07/2020 | Jean-françois Pons |
Greener after

Blog post
14/05/2020 | Pascal Lamy | Emilie Magdalinski | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Geneviève Pons | Pierre Leturcq | Marie Delair | Marie Agnès Borchers-Gasnier |
L’Europe sans charbon

Blog post
07/05/2020 | Emilie Magdalinski | Marie Delair |
Overcoming covid-19 crises
by building a clean and resilient Europe

Blog post
Cities in Europe
What EU innovation can do for climate neutrality

Blog post
23/09/2019 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Charlotte Roig-Ramos |
A small electric car is 3 times cleaner than a small gasoline car

Blog post
31/05/2019 | Emilie Magdalinski | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Climate Change: at the Heart of a New European Political Balance

Electric vehicles, european mobility and industrial leadership at stake

14/05/2019 | Emilie Magdalinski | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Clean Mobility: The European Way – A Comprehensive Approach to Electric Vehicles in the Energy Transition

Policy Paper
25/01/2019 | Emilie Magdalinski |
A French-German Cooperation Agenda for the Energy Transition in Europe

Policy Paper
26/11/2018 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Emilie Magdalinski | Murielle Gagnebin | Dimitri Pescia | Ian Cochran | Nicolas Berghmans |
Reinforcing the EU Budget with a fossil-fuel contribution

Blog post
20/02/2018 | Enrico Letta | Pascal Lamy |
Electric Cars: a Driver of Europe’s Energy Transition

16/10/2017 | Emilie Magdalinski | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Putting the consumer at the centre of the European energy system

Other document
06/09/2016 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Investment in Europe: Making the best of the Juncker Plan

COP21: an opportunity to speed up the global energy transition

01/12/2015 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Jean-Arnold Vinois |
2015 Climate negotiations: Speeding up or slowing down the energy transition?

Policy Paper
24/09/2015 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Jean-Arnold Vinois |
The Energy Union: prospects, goals and challenges

Other document
18/06/2015 | Britta Daum |
Energy policy: European challenges, Spanish answers

Policy Paper
14/03/2014 | Eloy Álvarez Pelegry | Macarena Larrea Basterra |
What new Climate and Energy Package for the EU?

13/03/2014 | Sami Andoura | Stefan Bössner |
Think Global – Act European IV. Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

16/10/2013 | Elvire Fabry |
Think Global – Act European IV – Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

30/04/2013 | Elvire Fabry | Chiara Rosselli |
The role of gas in the external dimension of the EU energy transition

Policy Paper
04/03/2013 | Sami Andoura | Clémentine d'Oultremont |
Meeting Europe’s resource challenge within and beyond EU borders

Policy Paper
04/03/2013 | Annika Ahtonen |
Promoting low-carbon energies in the Mediterranean Partner Countries

Policy Paper
04/03/2013 | Gonzalo Escribano |
Saving emissions trading from irrelevance

Policy Paper
04/03/2013 | Stephen Tindale |
EU resource management: time for coherence

Other document
06/12/2012 | Elvire Fabry | Chiara Rosselli |
Energy Transition by 2050: A Multifaceted Challenge for Europe

Policy Paper
01/05/2012 | Sami Andoura | Clémentine d'Oultremont |
Joint responses to energy challenges through a European Energy Community

Other document
European solidarity : where do we stand? Should we foster it and how?

Other document
23/06/2011 | Elvire Fabry |
An External Energy Strategy for the EU

Policy Paper
13/06/2011 | Sami Andoura |
Nuclear energy in Europe: what future?

Towards a European Energy Community

Other document
Contribution to the European Commission Consultation: European Energy Strategy 2010/2020

Other document
15/06/2010 | Sami Andoura |
Towards a European Energy Community: A Policy Proposal

Background Paper : Energy Trends in Europe

Other document
18/11/2009 | Sami Andoura | Csilla Végh |
An ever less carbonated Union ? Towards a better European taxation against climate change

30/09/2009 | Eloi Laurent | Jacques Le Cacheux |
Collective Power: Enhanced Cooperation as the Driver of a Common Tradable Green Certificate Market

Policy Paper
04/09/2007 | Sheldon Welton |
Sense and Flexibility: the Implementation of the EU ETS

25/06/2007 | Stephen Boucher |
Energy divides the European Union

Other document
29/12/2006 | Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa |
Enrico Letta is thinking about funding for the green transition

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A fairer energy system with energy communities

11/10/2023 | Klervi Kerneïs |