
Brussels, 7 June 2018 – Learning from experience and involving energy-citizens: two ways of improving energy-related policymaking

| 07/06/2018 | 14:00 > 15:30 |
Conférence |

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, in charge of European energy policies, intervenes in a working session on the efficiency of energy-related policies, organised in the context of the European Union's Sustainable Ernergy Week (EUSEW).



The purpose of this event is twofold. Firstly, it aims at sharing concrete experiences and raise discussions about the design of energy efficiency policies and their impacts. Secondly, by gathering experts on European energy issues, it aims at providing information and a discussion space around the transformation of the role of energy citizens and energy communities. The event thus combines the top-down perspective of policy design and successes of policies with the bottom-up perspective of how to involve individuals in the implementation of energy policies and support them in the transformation to energy citizens. The content of the event is based on the latest results from 9 European projects funded within the Horizon 2020 programme (EPATEE, ODYSSEE/MURE, COMBI, PUBLENEF, ENTRUST, ENERGISE, ECHOES, ENABLE and REScoop PLUS). Particular emphasis is put on concrete examples about how analysing policy impacts helps to make a stronger case for energy efficiency and lead to effective policy implementation and what concrete solutions to the challenges faced by European citizens and European policy-makers exist and how citizens can play an active role in the energy transition.

The event is divided in two parts, sarting with an informative part on current Horizon 2020 funded projects related to energy efficiency, following by a debate that is moderated based on key questions prepared by the organisers. Thomas Pellerin-Carlin intervenes during a roundtable entitled “From consumers to energy-citizens: involving Europeans in the energy transition”, during which he presents the ENABLE.EU project and shares his views on social and cultural drivers of energy choices.

If you want more information on this conference or the EUSEW, you can consult the programme on the EUSEW’s website, wherein you will also find the whole three-days-programme of this week as well as its objectives. You can also consult the detailed programme of the above-mentioned working session, enclosed to this announcement.

The purpose of this event is twofold. Firstly, it aims at sharing concrete experiences and raise discussions about the design of energy efficiency policies and their impacts. Secondly, by gathering experts on European energy issues, it aims at providing information and a discussion space around the transformation of the role of energy citizens and energy communities. The event thus combines the top-down perspective of policy design and successes of policies with the bottom-up perspective of how to involve individuals in the implementation of energy policies and support them in the transformation to energy citizens. The content of the event is based on the latest results from 9 European projects funded within the Horizon 2020 programme (EPATEE, ODYSSEE/MURE, COMBI, PUBLENEF, ENTRUST, ENERGISE, ECHOES, ENABLE and REScoop PLUS). Particular emphasis is put on concrete examples about how analysing policy impacts helps to make a stronger case for energy efficiency and lead to effective policy implementation and what concrete solutions to the challenges faced by European citizens and European policy-makers exist and how citizens can play an active role in the energy transition.

The event is divided in two parts, sarting with an informative part on current Horizon 2020 funded projects related to energy efficiency, following by a debate that is moderated based on key questions prepared by the organisers. Thomas Pellerin-Carlin intervenes during a roundtable entitled “From consumers to energy-citizens: involving Europeans in the energy transition”, during which he presents the ENABLE.EU project and shares his views on social and cultural drivers of energy choices.

If you want more information on this conference or the EUSEW, you can consult the programme on the EUSEW’s website, wherein you will also find the whole three-days-programme of this week as well as its objectives. You can also consult the detailed programme of the above-mentioned working session, enclosed to this announcement.
