Day of Progressive Economic Policy
Conférence |
| Eulalia Rubio |
Eulalia Rubio, Senior Research Fellow, Economic and Social Affairs at the Jacques Delors Institute, speaks at the workshop "New EU-MFF and EU-Integration/EU policy and budget priorities".
How stringent would the new Stability and Growth Pact be? And for who?
08/06/2023 | Andreas Eisl |
The tools for protecting the EU budget from breaches of the rule of law
Other document
30/04/2023 | Eulalia Rubio |
Macro-economic impact of the EU Recovery Funds
Other document
09/03/2023 | Eulalia Rubio |
Other document
01/05/2022 | Eulalia Rubio |
From words to action
Policy Paper
01/02/2022 | Eulalia Rubio |
The budgetary stick to the rescue of the rule of law?
Other document
19/05/2021 | Alain Lamassoure | Pervenche Berès | Pascal Lamy | Christine Verger | Jean-Louis Bourlanges | Monica Frassoni | Fabienne Keller | Laurent Pech | Thu Nguyen | Daniel Freund | Javier Moreno Sánchez |
A historic agreement, to be improved and implemented
Blog post
27/07/2020 | Sébastien Maillard |
An ambitious recovery budget, tough negotiations ahead
Blog post
18/06/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
The EU budget and COVID: We need a “plan B”
Blog post
30/04/2020 | Sébastien Maillard | Eulalia Rubio |
Covid-19 and the Mobilisation of Public Development Banks in the EU
Blog post
Tackling the coronavirus crisis:
how can the EU budget help?
Blog post
31/03/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
Fiscal policy-making in the time of Coronavirus
Blog post
20/03/2020 | Andreas Eisl |
krach financier et krach politique
Blog post
17/03/2020 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Corona: A European Safety Net for the Fiscal Response
Blog post
17/03/2020 | Lucas Guttenberg | Johannes Hemker |
The Member State compartment of the InvestEU Fund:
how does it work? Will it fly?
Blog post
13/03/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
MFF negotiations: towards the end?
Blog post
17/02/2020 | Eulalia Rubio |
‘No deal’ Brexit and the EU budget:
beware the risk for EU unity
Blog post
20/09/2019 | Eulalia Rubio | Elvire Fabry |
An EU budget in support of the next commission’s agenda
Blog post
02/09/2019 | Eulalia Rubio |
Innovation for the energy & climate transition
Blog post
18/07/2019 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Marie Delair |
European Budget 2021-2027: how to escape from “business as usual”?
Blog post
04/07/2019 | Morgan Larhant |
Budget européen, retrouver le sens du long terme
Blog post
Negotiating the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework in an electoral year: which consequences?
Blog post
29/11/2018 | Eulalia Rubio |
InvestEU Fund: A Rebranded Juncker Fund?
26/09/2018 | Eulalia Rubio | Fleurilys Virel |
Making better use of public funding: The role of national promotional banks and institutions in the next EU budget
The MFF proposal: what’s new, what’s old, what’s next?
Reinforcing the EU Budget with a fossil-fuel contribution
Blog post
20/02/2018 | Enrico Letta | Pascal Lamy |
The Next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and its Flexibility
Other document
23/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio |
EU budget: What’s the Cost of Europe?
Other document
22/11/2017 | Jörg Haas |
Understanding the “Brexit Divorce Bill”
21/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio |
The possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and CAP funding
Other document
09/11/2017 | Eulalia Rubio | Jörg Haas |
The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?
Policy Paper
18/09/2017 | Nicole Koenig | Jörg Haas |
Are the spending priorities of euro-area countries converging?
Policy Paper
03/07/2017 | Jörg Haas | Robin Huguenot-Noël |
The future of the European budget: What does the Commission’s White Paper mean for EU finances?
Policy Paper
27/06/2017 | Jörg Haas | Eulalia Rubio |
Making the Energy Transition a European Success
21/06/2017 | Jacques Delors | Enrico Letta | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin | Sofia Fernandes | Eulalia Rubio | Jean-Arnold Vinois |
Extending Erasmus: a new impetus for youth mobility in Europe
Policy Paper
14/06/2017 | Yves Bertoncini | Sofia Fernandes |
Brexit and the EU budget: threat or opportunity?
Policy Paper
25/01/2017 | Jörg Haas | Eulalia Rubio |
Public Sector Reform: How the EU budget is used to encourage it
05/10/2016 | Eulalia Rubio | David Rinaldi |
Investment in Europe: Making the best of the Juncker Plan
Is there an alternative to the European economic policy? The European Parliament response
Other document
03/03/2016 | Maria João Rodrigues |
Federalising the Eurozone: Towards a true European budget?
Policy Paper
14/01/2016 | Eulalia Rubio |
What would a European finance minister do? A proposal
Policy Paper
28/10/2015 | Henrik Enderlein | Jörg Haas |
A new road map for the EU
17/12/2014 | António Vitorino |
The adjustements to the EU budget
06/11/2014 | Eulalia Rubio |
National budgets and European surveillance: Shedding light on the debate
Policy Paper
15/10/2014 | Sofia Fernandes |
Reforming Europe’s governance
15/09/2014 | Yves Bertoncini | António Vitorino |
Adjustment programmes in the euro area: mission accomplished?
Other document
22/05/2014 | Sofia Fernandes | Thibault Paulet |
Who calls the shots in the euro area? “Brussels” or the member states?
Policy Paper
14/05/2014 | Sofia Fernandes |
Non-Community European spending
Policy Paper
03/09/2013 | Amélie Barbier-Gauchard |
EU budget: the path to an agreement
Other document
25/04/2013 | Jacques Delors | António Vitorino |
The role and place of Parliaments in a genuine Economic and Monetary Union
Other document
17/04/2013 | Christian Deubner | Valentin Kreilinger |
EU and growth: three pacts rather than one
Other document
04/04/2013 | Jacques Delors | António Vitorino | Erik Belfrage | Yves Bertoncini | Joachim Bitterlich | Jean-Louis Bourlanges | Laurent Cohen-Tanugi | Jonathan Faull | Pierre Lepetit | Sophie-Caroline De Margerie | Riccardo Perissich | Julian Priestley | Maria João Rodrigues | Philippe De Schoutheete | Daniela Schwarzer | Christian Stoffaës | Nicole Gnesotto |
European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?
Other document
18/03/2013 | Nadège Chambon | Marie Billotte |
Is the stupidity pact still stable?
11/03/2013 | António Vitorino |
How to maintain hard capabilities in times of budget cuts?
Policy Paper
13/02/2013 | Ronja Kempin |
The EU budget: taking a second look
05/02/2013 | Yves Bertoncini | António Vitorino |
Britain and Europe – The last rites?
Other document
05/12/2012 | Julian Priestley |
Spending better together: analyses and recommendations
Other document
19/11/2012 | Amélie Barbier-Gauchard | Eulalia Rubio |
Reforming the EU budget in times of crisis
15/11/2012 | Yves Bertoncini |
Eurozone budget: 3 functions, 3 instruments
15/11/2012 | Eulalia Rubio |
Which Institutions for the Euro Area?
Other document
25/09/2012 | António Vitorino |
“Fiscal Compact”, sovereignty and austerity
Other document
25/09/2012 | Yves Bertoncini |
What European budget for post-crisis Europe?
Other document
25/07/2012 | Eulalia Rubio |
European Development Aid: How to be more effective without spending more?
Policy Paper
18/07/2012 | Elena Muñoz Gálvez |
“The Spanish situation leads us to the banking union”
26/06/2012 | António Vitorino |
European guarantees to get out of the crisis?
21/06/2012 | Sofia Fernandes |
The European “Fiscal Compact”: a goal or a starting point?
Other document
07/06/2012 | António Vitorino |
EU budget negotiations: need for a healthy and constructive debate
07/06/2012 | Eulalia Rubio |
The “Fiscal Compact”: legal uncertainty and political ambiguity
23/02/2012 | Renaud Dehousse |
The ‘TSCG’: much ado about nothing?
Other document
23/02/2012 | António Vitorino |
A two-pronged defence of the Euro
Other document
20/01/2012 | Henrik Enderlein |
The Common Strategic Framework: adding value to rural development?
Policy Paper
Debt crisis, sovereignty crisis
Other document
09/12/2011 | Yves Bertoncini |
The CAP in the EU Budget: New Objectives and Financial Principles for the Agricultural Budget after 2013
19/10/2011 | Nadège Chambon |
Rethinking EU finances in times of crisis
Blog post
27/07/2011 | Yves Bertoncini |
Thinking the EU budget and public spending in Europe: the need to use an aggregate approach
29/06/2011 | Amélie Barbier-Gauchard |
Defence spending in Europe: Can we do better without spending more?
Policy Paper
29/06/2011 | Fabio Liberti |
The “added value” in EU budgetary debates: one concept, four meanings
29/06/2011 | Eulalia Rubio |
Report Haug, Lamassoure, Verhofstadt: Europe for Growth : Towards a radical change in financing the EU
06/04/2011 | Paul De Grauwe | Daniel Gros | Jutta Haug | Alain Lamassoure | Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul | Eulalia Rubio | Guy Verhofstadt | Carole Perrin |
Options for an EU Financing Reform
Policy Paper
01/12/2009 | Philippe Cattoir |
Comments on the CEPS policy brief “A new Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
15/10/2009 | Jorge Nunez Ferrer |
Comments on the policy paper published by CEPS “A New Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
18/08/2009 | Daniel Tarschys |
Comments to the policy paper “A New Budget for the European Union?” by A. Iozzo, S. Micossi and MT. Salvemini
Other document
21/07/2009 | Steffen Osterloh |
Comments to the CEPS policy brief “A new Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
11/06/2009 | Fabian Zuleeg |
Comments to the CEPS policy brief “A new Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
11/06/2009 | Indhira Santos |
Réaction à la note publiée par le CEPS “A New Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
11/06/2009 | Jaroslaw Pietras |
Comments to the paper published by CEPS “A New Budget for the European Union?”
Other document
11/06/2009 | Jacques Le Cacheux |
EU Budget Review: Addressing the Thorny Issues
Policy Paper
07/03/2008 | Eulalia Rubio |
The case for a European tax: Benefits, practical aspects and options for endowing the EU with a veritable own resource
Other document
28/01/2008 | Eulalia Rubio |
The EU budget: What for?
Other document
27/06/2007 | Eulalia Rubio |
Funding the EU Budget with a Genuine Own Resource: The case for a European Tax
02/05/2007 | Jacques Le Cacheux |
Budgetary discipline and macroeconomic policy in the European Union
Other document
22/08/2006 | Jacques Delors |
Reform of EU policies in the perspective of enlargement and their financial implications
Other document
21/08/2006 |
European budget : the poisonous budget rebate debate
30/11/2005 | Jacques Le Cacheux | Pascal Lamy |
The Lisbon strategy and the open method of co-ordination: 12 recommendations for an effective multi-level strategy
Policy Paper
28/02/2005 | Marjorie Jouen | Renaud Dehousse | Philippe Pochet | Stefan Collignon | Rolf-Ulrich Sprenger | Robert Salais | Jean Gabolde | Hugo de Sousa |
Rule of law conditionality
| Eulalia Rubio |
Peut-on parvenir à une souveraineté économique européenne?
11/03/2022 | Andreas Eisl |
11/03/2022 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Le nouveau «plan de résilience» teste la solidarité européenne
10/03/2022 | Andreas Eisl |