
Dijon, 17 May 2019 – The European project against populism and the illiberal temptation

| 17/05/2019 | 18h00 > 20h00 |
Conférence |

Thierry Chopin, Special Advisor at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for a roundtable organised by Europe House in French regions Bourgogne Franche-Comté and the European campus of Sciences Po. in Dijon: "The European project against populism and the illiberal temptation"



This roundtable “The European project against populism and the illiberal temptation” is part of a cycle of events oragnised for anniversaries of 1989 events and 2004 EU Enlargment. Thierry Chopin will intervene, along with Jean-Luc Pouthier, Historian and Journalist, Lukas Macek, Director of the European campus in Dijon, Sciences Po.

If you are interested in the topic, we invite you to read the latest publications written by Thierry Chopin and published by the Jacques Delors Institute:

  • Brief “Populismes : la faute à l’Europe ?” (Thierry Chopin, Emmanuel Rivière – 18/04/2019)
  • Policy Paper “Illiberal democracy or Majoritarian authoritarianism: contribution to the analysis of populism in Europe” (Thierry Chopin – 19/02/2019)

This roundtable “The European project against populism and the illiberal temptation” is part of a cycle of events oragnised for anniversaries of 1989 events and 2004 EU Enlargment. Thierry Chopin will intervene, along with Jean-Luc Pouthier, Historian and Journalist, Lukas Macek, Director of the European campus in Dijon, Sciences Po.

If you are interested in the topic, we invite you to read the latest publications written by Thierry Chopin and published by the Jacques Delors Institute:

  • Brief “Populismes : la faute à l’Europe ?” (Thierry Chopin, Emmanuel Rivière – 18/04/2019)
  • Policy Paper “Illiberal democracy or Majoritarian authoritarianism: contribution to the analysis of populism in Europe” (Thierry Chopin – 19/02/2019)

