
Energy Innovation : how to deliver on the European green deal

| 17/01/2020 | 13:00 > 16:30 |
Conférence |

In the context of the Green Deal, proposed by Ursula von der Leyen, the Jacques Delors Institute and the French Permanent Representation in Brussels are happy to invite you to the conference: "Energy Innovation: How to deliver on the European Green Deal?"

To achieve our climate and energy objectives, radical changes are needed in the way we heat, move and produce. In this framework, innovation is key to implement new business models, new technologies and new behaviours that can put the Green Deal into action, while ensuring the prosperity of the European continent.

This conference will be the opportunity to discuss the role of innovation in building a clean-energy future to reach climate neutrality by 2050. To shed some new light on this challenge, we reflect on the role of women in decision-making, and in the deployment and use of innovative solutions that will make the Green Deal a reality for all Europeans.

The conference will be introduced by Mrs Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General at DG ENER, and will be followed by presentations and a panel discussion.



13:00 Welcome Lunch

13:45 Introduction of the conference by Fabrice Dubreuil, Deputy Permanent Representative of France and Geneviève Pons, Director General, Europe Jacques Delors (AISBL), Brussels

14:00 Keynote speech by Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General, DG Energy, European Commission

14:20 Presentations by:

  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director for sustainability, technology and outlooks, International Energy Agency ;
  • Karina Standal, Senior Researcher at CICERO.

15:00 Panel discussion on energy innovation with:

  • Charlotte Leroux, Naval Architect, Principle Power
  • Laura Buffet, Energy Director, Transport & Environment ;
  • Doris Österreicher, Researcher, University of Natural Resources, Vienna ;
  • Léa Pilsner, Researcher, E3G ;
  • Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Europe.

16:15 Concluding speech by Clara de la Torre, Deputy Director-General, DG CLIMA, European Commission

13:00 Welcome Lunch

13:45 Introduction of the conference by Fabrice Dubreuil, Deputy Permanent Representative of France and Geneviève Pons, Director General, Europe Jacques Delors (AISBL), Brussels

14:00 Keynote speech by Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General, DG Energy, European Commission

14:20 Presentations by:

  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Director for sustainability, technology and outlooks, International Energy Agency ;
  • Karina Standal, Senior Researcher at CICERO.

15:00 Panel discussion on energy innovation with:

  • Charlotte Leroux, Naval Architect, Principle Power
  • Laura Buffet, Energy Director, Transport & Environment ;
  • Doris Österreicher, Researcher, University of Natural Resources, Vienna ;
  • Léa Pilsner, Researcher, E3G ;
  • Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Europe.

16:15 Concluding speech by Clara de la Torre, Deputy Director-General, DG CLIMA, European Commission

Représentation Permanente de la France auprès de l’UE – place de Louvain 14, Bruxelles

