
Florence, 10 May 2018 – New Forms of Markets and Solidarity Emerging in the EU Energy World

| 10/05/2018 | 10:00 > 11:30 |

Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute, chairs a conference organised in the framework of the State of the Union Conference coordinated by the European Institute of Florence.



A new wave of energy platforms and communities are challenging the ideals and practice of European solidarity. Solidarity is a by-product of functioning markets, which naturally make citizens mutually interdependent. It is also a by-product of social rules or norms, the preferences citizens make about how they live, which in turn shape how markets function. However, these processes could change with the emergence of new platform and energy communities, having both new rules and addressing new people, in the European energy world.

To tackle these issues, Enrico Letta chairs a debate whose aim is to ask how the European energy world should respond and what the changes mean for what the current European “XX-large” legislative package proposes. The panel brings together:

  • Simona Bonafé, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • Nicola Pochettino, Head of Division, Electricity Networks, European Investment Bank
  • Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General, European Network of Transmission System Operators – Electricity (ENTSO-E), Brussels
  • Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Europe, Brussels

A new wave of energy platforms and communities are challenging the ideals and practice of European solidarity. Solidarity is a by-product of functioning markets, which naturally make citizens mutually interdependent. It is also a by-product of social rules or norms, the preferences citizens make about how they live, which in turn shape how markets function. However, these processes could change with the emergence of new platform and energy communities, having both new rules and addressing new people, in the European energy world.

To tackle these issues, Enrico Letta chairs a debate whose aim is to ask how the European energy world should respond and what the changes mean for what the current European “XX-large” legislative package proposes. The panel brings together:

  • Simona Bonafé, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • Nicola Pochettino, Head of Division, Electricity Networks, European Investment Bank
  • Laurent Schmitt, Secretary-General, European Network of Transmission System Operators – Electricity (ENTSO-E), Brussels
  • Frauke Thies, Executive Director, Smart Energy Europe, Brussels
