Lille, 14 March 2018 – Towards a Common European Defence, a critical juncture
Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, analyses the latest development of European Defence Cooperation during a conference organised by Sciences Po Lille.
He will intervene along with Margaux Viseur, task officer at the French permanent representation to NATO.
If you want to read further about European defence, you can download the policy brief “Strenghtening European defence: who sits at the PESCO table, what’s on the menu?” (13/11/2017)
He will intervene along with Margaux Viseur, task officer at the French permanent representation to NATO.
If you want to read further about European defence, you can download the policy brief “Strenghtening European defence: who sits at the PESCO table, what’s on the menu?” (13/11/2017)