Lille, 9 May 2019 – Facing rising populism, what to expect for the next European elections?
Thierry Chopin, special advisor at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for a debate entitled : "Confronting rising populism, what to expect for the next European elections? Which role European trade unions can play?"
In this conference, oragnised by the French trade union CFDT Hauts-de-France, jointly en partenariat avec le Europe Direct Centre Hauts-de-France and the French university Sciences Po Lille, Thierry Chopin will have the opportunity to share his analysis on the rise of populisms in Europe, along with :
- Yvan Ricordeau, National Secretary in charge of European Affairs, CFDT
- Thiébaut Weber, Confederal Secretary European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
If you are interested in the topic, we invite you to read the latest publications written by Thierry Chopin and published by the Jacques Delors Institute:
- Brief “Populismes : la faute à l’Europe ?” (Thierry Chopin, Emmanuel Rivière – 18/04/2019)
- Policy Paper “Illiberal democracy or Majoritarian authoritarianism: contribution to the analysis of populism in Europe” (Thierry Chopin – 19/02/2019)
In this conference, oragnised by the French trade union CFDT Hauts-de-France, jointly en partenariat avec le Europe Direct Centre Hauts-de-France and the French university Sciences Po Lille, Thierry Chopin will have the opportunity to share his analysis on the rise of populisms in Europe, along with :
- Yvan Ricordeau, National Secretary in charge of European Affairs, CFDT
- Thiébaut Weber, Confederal Secretary European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
If you are interested in the topic, we invite you to read the latest publications written by Thierry Chopin and published by the Jacques Delors Institute:
- Brief “Populismes : la faute à l’Europe ?” (Thierry Chopin, Emmanuel Rivière – 18/04/2019)
- Policy Paper “Illiberal democracy or Majoritarian authoritarianism: contribution to the analysis of populism in Europe” (Thierry Chopin – 19/02/2019)
No, there are no “good” populists

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Wavre, 16 May 2019 – The most important European elections of the history?

Paris, 15 May 2019 – We, the people of the European Union : populism and the European union

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Quesitoning Europe ?

Paris, 18 March 2019 – Europe, what project for today?

Dijon, 14th March – 2019 European elections: toward a major political reshuffling

Rome, 12 March 2019 – The future of the EU

Strasbourg, 7 March 2019 – Make Europe in a world of bullies

Paris, 19 February 2019 – Democracy in Europe: Interference and misinformation at the dawn of the European elections