
LIVE STREAM | Digital sovereignty in the age of pandemics

| 24/04/2020 | 14:00 > 15:00 |
Conférence |

Positioning Europe as a trusted digital leader is one of the European Commission’s top priorities. With the COVID-19 outbreak, and potentially more crises of a similar nature in the future, this issue and more specifically the quest for digital sovereignty, are higher than ever on EU policymakers' agenda.

How does this pandemic affect Europe’s digital ambitions? What impact will it have on Europe’s industrial strategy? What are the risks, but also the opportunities for Europe and how can EU leaders address them?

Join this CERRE live-streamed debate with European Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager and Pascal Lamy, former EU Trade Commissioner, former Director General of the WTO, and Honorary President of the Jacques Delors Institute.