
Luxembourg, 21 October 2017 – Europe: Changing the economic and social framework

| 21/10/2017 | |

Sofia Fernandes, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for the 21th European Meetings of Luxembourg (Vingt et unièmes Rencontres Européennes de Luxembourg) that discuss potential changes in the European economic and social framework.



Sofia Fernandes, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for the 21th European Meetings of Luxembourg (Vingt et unièmes Rencontres Européennes de Luxembourg) that discuss potential changes in the European economic and social framework. The conference takes place on the 21th of October, in the presence of the Minister in charge of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of Luxembourg, Mr. Nicolas Schmit.

For more information on the event or registration modalities, you can consult the dedicated website and the conference flyer (in French).

Sofia Fernandes, Senior Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for the 21th European Meetings of Luxembourg (Vingt et unièmes Rencontres Européennes de Luxembourg) that discuss potential changes in the European economic and social framework. The conference takes place on the 21th of October, in the presence of the Minister in charge of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of Luxembourg, Mr. Nicolas Schmit.

For more information on the event or registration modalities, you can consult the dedicated website and the conference flyer (in French).
