
Paris, 11 April 2019 — Social sciences for the energy transition: which EU support?

| 11/04/2019 | |

Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Head of the Jacques Delors Energy Centre, discusses how the EU can support social science research aiming at enabling the energy transition. This event is organised in Paris on 11 April 2019.



The Energy Union means making energy more secure, affordable and sustainable. It will allow a free flow of energy across borders and a secure supply in every EU country, for every European. New technologies and renewed infrastructure will cut household bills and create new jobs and skills, as companies expand exports and boost growth. It will lead to a sustainable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly economy, putting Europe at the forefront of renewable energy production and the fight against global warming.
But to ensure that this transition is successful, we need to encourage citizens to adopt sustainable energy practices and behaviours.
ENABLE.EU is conducting case studies and transition workshops to get input from energy experts and regular citizens on what drives people to make environmentally conscious choices — or what keeps them from doing so.
Together, we’re going to create a roadmap for a more sustainable future…

Website of the event

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The Energy Union means making energy more secure, affordable and sustainable. It will allow a free flow of energy across borders and a secure supply in every EU country, for every European. New technologies and renewed infrastructure will cut household bills and create new jobs and skills, as companies expand exports and boost growth. It will lead to a sustainable, low-carbon and environmentally friendly economy, putting Europe at the forefront of renewable energy production and the fight against global warming.
But to ensure that this transition is successful, we need to encourage citizens to adopt sustainable energy practices and behaviours.
ENABLE.EU is conducting case studies and transition workshops to get input from energy experts and regular citizens on what drives people to make environmentally conscious choices — or what keeps them from doing so.
Together, we’re going to create a roadmap for a more sustainable future…

Website of the event

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