
Paris, 11 December 2012 – More integration, more politicization, more differentiation?

| 06/12/2012 | |

The European Council of 13 and 14 December 2012: The options from "minor changes" to "ordinary treaty revision"



Tuesday, 11

December 2012 16.00 18.30 Paris

Sciences Po, in cooperation with the Master Affaires Européennes,

Amphithéâtre Albert Sorel, 27 rue St Guillaume, 75007 Paris

The European Council has charged President Herman Van Rompuy (together

with the President of the Commission, the President of the Eurogroup and the

President of the European Central Bank) to elaborate the report Towards a genuine

Economic and Monetary Union. The final version of

this report will constitute the basis for the decisions at the European Council

of 13 and 14 December 2012.

This conference-debate in cooperation with the Master Affaires Européennes will discuss the possibilities from

small modifications to ordinary treaty revision. It is co-organised by Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,

Policy Network and the Polish Institute of International Affairs. The event is structured into a keynote speech by Simon Hix who

published Whats wrong with the European Union and how to fix it in 2008; a

panel with one researcher from each of the think tanks; and a conclusion by

Yves Bertoncini, author of European Politics: States, Powers and Citizens of

the EU (2010).

Keynote speech:

Simon Hix, Professor of

European and Comparative Politics, London

School of Economics and Political Science


discussion: The European Council of December 2012: Perspectives from National


Agata Gostynska, Analyst, Polish Institute of

International Affairs, Warsaw; author of The Fiscal Compact and EU

Economic Governance, in: The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 21(2),

Spring 2012.

Valentin Kreilinger, Research Fellow, Notre Europe –

Jacques Delors Institute, Paris; author of The making of a new treaty: Six

Rounds of Political Bargaining, Policy Brief, Notre Europe, February 2012.

Renaud Thillaye, Policy Researcher, Policy Network, London; co-author of

Where Next for Eurozone Governance?, Research Paper, Policy Network, July


Moderation: Olivier Rozenberg, Associate

Research Professor, Centre d’études européennes,

Sciences Po Paris; principal

investigator of a forthcoming study on National Parliaments and the European




Yves Bertoncini, Director, Notre

Europe – Jacques Delors Institute

Tuesday, 11

December 2012 16.00 18.30 Paris

Sciences Po, in cooperation with the Master Affaires Européennes,

Amphithéâtre Albert Sorel, 27 rue St Guillaume, 75007 Paris

The European Council has charged President Herman Van Rompuy (together

with the President of the Commission, the President of the Eurogroup and the

President of the European Central Bank) to elaborate the report Towards a genuine

Economic and Monetary Union. The final version of

this report will constitute the basis for the decisions at the European Council

of 13 and 14 December 2012.

This conference-debate in cooperation with the Master Affaires Européennes will discuss the possibilities from

small modifications to ordinary treaty revision. It is co-organised by Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute,

Policy Network and the Polish Institute of International Affairs. The event is structured into a keynote speech by Simon Hix who

published Whats wrong with the European Union and how to fix it in 2008; a

panel with one researcher from each of the think tanks; and a conclusion by

Yves Bertoncini, author of European Politics: States, Powers and Citizens of

the EU (2010).

Keynote speech:

Simon Hix, Professor of

European and Comparative Politics, London

School of Economics and Political Science


discussion: The European Council of December 2012: Perspectives from National


Agata Gostynska, Analyst, Polish Institute of

International Affairs, Warsaw; author of The Fiscal Compact and EU

Economic Governance, in: The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 21(2),

Spring 2012.

Valentin Kreilinger, Research Fellow, Notre Europe –

Jacques Delors Institute, Paris; author of The making of a new treaty: Six

Rounds of Political Bargaining, Policy Brief, Notre Europe, February 2012.

Renaud Thillaye, Policy Researcher, Policy Network, London; co-author of

Where Next for Eurozone Governance?, Research Paper, Policy Network, July


Moderation: Olivier Rozenberg, Associate

Research Professor, Centre d’études européennes,

Sciences Po Paris; principal

investigator of a forthcoming study on National Parliaments and the European




Yves Bertoncini, Director, Notre

Europe – Jacques Delors Institute