
Paris, 12 April 2018 – France and Europe in globalisation

| 12/04/2018 | 14:00 > 18:40 |

For the 40th anniversary of the Centre d'Etudes Prospectives d'Informations Internationales (CEPII), Pascal Lamy, president emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute, intervenes for a conference entitled "How Europe should adapt to a changing globalisation?".



Globalisation has drastically changed since the financial crisis, not only in terms of pace of international economic interactions, through tighter trade relations, the movement of capital or of person, but also in terms of resources allocation, strcuture of national and international institutions and rationales behind current (dis)equilibrium. How could Europe adapt to this new context? Could multilateralism remain the main strcutural pillar of its external economic policies? Shall we redefine the European approach to migration issues and as regard to its relations with emerging countries? How shall we collectively tackle the existential challenge posed by the climate change? Pascal Lamy sheds the light on these issues, helped by Alicia Adsera, tenured Research Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and François Bourguignon, Emeritus professor at the Paris School of Economics.

For more information on this intervention or on the CEPII 40th anniversary’s program, you can consult the dedicated webpage on the CEPII website.

Globalisation has drastically changed since the financial crisis, not only in terms of pace of international economic interactions, through tighter trade relations, the movement of capital or of person, but also in terms of resources allocation, strcuture of national and international institutions and rationales behind current (dis)equilibrium. How could Europe adapt to this new context? Could multilateralism remain the main strcutural pillar of its external economic policies? Shall we redefine the European approach to migration issues and as regard to its relations with emerging countries? How shall we collectively tackle the existential challenge posed by the climate change? Pascal Lamy sheds the light on these issues, helped by Alicia Adsera, tenured Research Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University and François Bourguignon, Emeritus professor at the Paris School of Economics.

For more information on this intervention or on the CEPII 40th anniversary’s program, you can consult the dedicated webpage on the CEPII website.
