Paris, 15 October 2013 – European elections 2014 : between abstention and populisms?
Our director Yves Bertoncini speaks at the conference organised by the "Jeunes européens" of Sciences Po Paris on the theme "European elections 2014 : between abstention and populisms?"
Will the rise of populist and eurosceptic parties be as striking as Graham Watson predicts it ? While a high level of abstention seems to be almost certain (around 60% in France according to recent polls, the Front National could reach 20% of the votes, and the extremist parties are in good shape in most of the European countries.
To fight against the rise of populism and stimulate the voters, the European Parliament stresses that : « This time its different Act. React. Impact ». The European political parties insist on the personalization of the election by appointing a common candidate for the presidency of the Commission. Will this be enough to convince the citizens to believe again in the European project?
Will the rise of populist and eurosceptic parties be as striking as Graham Watson predicts it ? While a high level of abstention seems to be almost certain (around 60% in France according to recent polls, the Front National could reach 20% of the votes, and the extremist parties are in good shape in most of the European countries.
To fight against the rise of populism and stimulate the voters, the European Parliament stresses that : « This time its different Act. React. Impact ». The European political parties insist on the personalization of the election by appointing a common candidate for the presidency of the Commission. Will this be enough to convince the citizens to believe again in the European project?