Paris, 17 June 2014 – Low Carbon Strategy & Industrial Renaissance: two Challenges for the Energy Transition
Sami Andoura speaks at the Annual Symposium of the French Union for electricity on the future of European Energy Policy in Paris on June 17th 2014.
Sami Andoura speaks at the Annual Symposium of the French Union for electricity on the future of European Energy Policy in Paris on June 17th 2014.
UFE devotes its Annual Symposium on two structuring themes that should underpin any decision on changes in the energy mix: a low-carbon strategy to fight against climate change and a “renaissance” industrial indispensable to put France back on track on economic and social development.
Sami Andoura speaks at the Annual Symposium of the French Union for electricity on the future of European Energy Policy in Paris on June 17th 2014.
UFE devotes its Annual Symposium on two structuring themes that should underpin any decision on changes in the energy mix: a low-carbon strategy to fight against climate change and a “renaissance” industrial indispensable to put France back on track on economic and social development.