Paris, 19 February 2019 – If the climate was a bank, we would have saved it already. What are we waiting for?
At the time of the Grand Débat National and one month before the European Council of 21 and 22 March 2019 which must give a new direction to Europe, what are our leaders waiting for to take up the ambitious and realistic proposals that are made to them to save the climate and create jobs?
Come and discuss the proposal for a European treaty that will be presented on February 19th and share your indignations, your projects, your difficulties, your needs to collectively contribute to the success of the ecological transition.
This event is organized by the European initiative for a Finance-Climate Compact, which brings together citizens, young and old, from all walks of life, women and men politicians of all stripes, business leaders and trade unionists, intellectuals and academics, employees, unemployed, peasants, artists and craftsmen, peasants, community leaders who often have different fields of action but who all come together because they are convinced that Europe must, as a matter of urgency , provide a clear and very ambitious response to fight against climate change.
To go further on this subject, you can consult the study “Making the Energy Transition a European Success“, written by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Sofia Fernandes, Eulalia Rubio and Jean-Arnold Vinois (June 2017).
Come and discuss the proposal for a European treaty that will be presented on February 19th and share your indignations, your projects, your difficulties, your needs to collectively contribute to the success of the ecological transition.
This event is organized by the European initiative for a Finance-Climate Compact, which brings together citizens, young and old, from all walks of life, women and men politicians of all stripes, business leaders and trade unionists, intellectuals and academics, employees, unemployed, peasants, artists and craftsmen, peasants, community leaders who often have different fields of action but who all come together because they are convinced that Europe must, as a matter of urgency , provide a clear and very ambitious response to fight against climate change.
To go further on this subject, you can consult the study “Making the Energy Transition a European Success“, written by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Sofia Fernandes, Eulalia Rubio and Jean-Arnold Vinois (June 2017).
4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Unlocking sufficiency at the EU, National and Local Level

Sufficiency: Wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries

Fundamental decarbonisation through sufficiency by lifestyle changes

Enrico Letta is thinking about funding for the green transition

A fairer energy system with energy communities

Une baisse structurelle de la demande de gaz est nécessaire pour garantir la sécurité d’approvisionnement les hivers prochains, selon l’Institut Jacques Delors

Euroquestions #69 | For an Energy Union 2.0. to implement the Green Pact [FR]

Conférence Jacques Delors 2023 – La transition écologique [FR]

Euroquestions | The Pact on Migration and Asylum, what about a reform never completed? [FR]

Euroquestions 57 | Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact. Key challenges and opportunities for a revamped European fiscal framework

Webinar | Franco-German perspectives: energy economics

Euroquestions | Franco-German relations: 2023, year of recovery? [FR]

Académie Notre Europe – Europe in the world session

Does the 2023 budget allow the French to cope with the energy crisis? [FR]

Euroquestions | What about energy poverty in Europe and its challenges in times of inflation? [FR]

Round-tables on new gas perspectives for the EU

The European Union’s energy supply in the face of geopolitical and environmental challenges

Euroquestions | Embargo on Russian fossil fuels: how can Europe stop funding Putin’s war on Ukraine?

My own Europe #1 – Energy geopolitics : The European Union and the climate challenge [FR]

Conference on the Future of Europe – Climate Change, Environment/Health

The Sustainable Development Meetings – 2021 [FR]

European EnerGreenDeal Conference

Green recovery policies in Europe [FR]

What place for responsible capitalism in Europe? (FR)

Table Ronde : “La politique européenne de l’énergie à l’heure du changement climatique”

2020 virtual Outermost regions Forum | “Together for a sustainable future”

Euroquestions | Relance et puissance : mots d’ordre de la rentrée européenne

Wébinaire | Préparer un avenir propre et résilient pour les villes européennes

Webinar | Greener After – A Green Recovery Stimulus for a post-COVID-19 Europe

WEBINAR | Overcoming Covid-19 crises by building a clean and resilient Europe

Webinar | EU Green Deal: an innovative path to reach a low carbon Europe?

Greening the EU trade policy

Annulé : L’urgence climatique, un défi aussi pour les villes d’Europe

La Pacte Vert européen, mode d’emploi

Académie Notre Europe n°2 – Green Europe

Paris, 5 November 2019 – How to finance Energy Innovation in Europe in order to reach Climate neutrality by 2050?

Paris, 17 October 2019 – Energy Transition Governance for Better Energy Security in Europe

Brussels, 16th October 2019 – Three solutions to finance the Green Deal

Brussels, 15 October 2019 – Europe: Post Elections Challenges

Webinar 1 – The Green Deal & Energy Innovation : what should the new European Commission do during its first 100 days in office?

Brussels, 26 September 2019 – ENABLE.EU Final Conference: Enabling the Energy Transition

Paris, 5 September 2019 – Global Convergences Forum

Brussels, 27 June 2019 – Women Rule Summit 2019

Brussels, 18 June 2019 – Sustainable finace for innovation and energy efficiency

Brussels, 24 May 2019 – Research and Innovation as a compass for the future we want

Wavre, 16 May 2019 – The most important European elections of the history?

Paris, 16 mai 2019 — ParisMat

Paris, 16 April 2019 — European elections: assessment and proposals of the candidates for the climate

Brussels, 4 April 2019 — Services of general interest in the digital and energy transitions

Monaco, 25th of March – Monaco Blue Initiative : Ocean updates

Brussels, 19th March – High-level conference: Oceans the future of the Blue Planet

Brussels, 7 February 2019 — Decarbonising energy: lessons from History and policies for the future

Dunkerque, 23 January 2019 – Assises européennes de la transition énergétique

Katowice, 13 December 2018 – COP24: Yes Europe !

Katowice, 6 December 2018 – COP24: The Global Energy Transition, Policy, Societal and Technological Options

Paris, 4 December 2018 – Ecological transition and the European Union: what are the levers for the emergency?

Paris, 29 November 2018 – Light up the Economy !

Paris, 29 November 2018 – How to accelerate the financing of the fight against climate change, in France and Europe ?

Berlin, 27 November 2018 – Innovate, a vital challenge for the energy transition

Paris, 20 November 2018 – How to accompany the low-carbon transition to be fair?

Hamburg, 16 November 2018 – FOTAR 2018 : Transatlantic Environmental Policy

Neuilly-sur-Seine, 15 November 2018 – Climate disruption: which energy solutions for Europe?

Haguenau, 25 October 2018 – Express yourself on Europe!

Madeira, 19 October 2018 – The EU long-term energy-climate strategy

Brussels, 11 October 2018 – Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership

Paris, 9 October 2018 – Eurociné, “The environment and us: a balance in danger”

Paris, 28 September 2018 – Autumn School of the European Trade Union Confederation

Paris, 7 September 2018 – Model European Union Paris

Bruges, 12 July 2018 – Just a transition or a just transition? Jobs, skills, energy poverty

Bruges, 2 July 2018 – Introduction to the Energy Union

Brussels, 28 June 2018 – Globalisation and Europeanisation: European solutions for global problems?

Brussels, 28 June 2018 – Make the fight against climate change the bedrock of a sustainable and prosperous society

Sofia, 13 June 2018 – Governance workshop: focus on “heating and cooling” and “prosumption”

Sofia, 12 June 2018 – ENABLE.EU Consortium meeting

Paris, 12 June 2018 – Eurociné : “Land of Oblivion”

Brussels, 7 June 2018 – Learning from experience and involving energy-citizens: two ways of improving energy-related policymaking

Brussels, 6 June 2018 – The Energy Transition: which role for the European Union?

Paris, 25 May 2018 – Notre Europe Academy: A Green and Citizen Europe

Madrid, 23 May 2018 – The role of National Promotional Banks (NPBs) in climate finance

Florence, 10 May 2018 – New Forms of Markets and Solidarity Emerging in the EU Energy World

Florence, 10 May 2018 – Digital Age and European Energy Transition: the launch of a Knwoledge Hub

Brussels, 24 April 2018 – Geo-politics and the need for transition to cleaner energy

Brussels, 19 March 2018 – Dialogue On Europe, Closing Conference

Barcelona, 16 March 2018 – Global commitments on climate change

Brussels, 14 March 2018 – European Leadership in Global Competitive Landscape

Brussels, 7 March 2018 – Study Group on the State of the Energy Union

Brussels, 1st March 2018 – Citizen Participation in the Energy Transition

Brussels, 21 February 2018 – Supporting start-ups and SMEs in the energy transition

Paris, 15 February 2018 – Green Controversy

Brussels, 16 October 2017 – “Making the Energy Transition a European Success”

Paris, 5 October 2017 – Energy transition in France: What to expect from the new government?

Paris, 5 October 2017 – Energy Transition of the European Union

Bruges, 13 July 2017 – Just a transition or a just transition? Jobs, skills, energy poverty