Paris, 1st June 2018 – European Trade Policy
Elvire Fabry, senior Research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, in charge of European external and trade policies, takes part in a seminar on the European trade policy, organised by the Centre d'Analyse, de Prévision et de Stratégie (CAPS - Centre for Analysis, Planning and Strategy).

This seminar brings together experts from French public administration, the Centre d’Analyse, de Prévision et de Stratégie (CAPS – Centre for Analysis, Planning and Strategy) and think-tanks, all experts of external and trade affairs, for an exchange of views on recent events which threatened the functioning of global economic and trade systems (trade tensions between the United States, China and the European Union, Brexit, etc.) and how these might affect the conduct of the European trade strategy and European trade priorities and orientations.
Closed seminar, invitation only
This seminar brings together experts from French public administration, the Centre d’Analyse, de Prévision et de Stratégie (CAPS – Centre for Analysis, Planning and Strategy) and think-tanks, all experts of external and trade affairs, for an exchange of views on recent events which threatened the functioning of global economic and trade systems (trade tensions between the United States, China and the European Union, Brexit, etc.) and how these might affect the conduct of the European trade strategy and European trade priorities and orientations.
Closed seminar, invitation only
The EU’s Art of the Deal: Shaping a unified response to Trump’s tariff threats

Harris vs. Trump on Trade Policy: The Good, the Bad, or Just Ugly?

EU and China between De-Risking and Cooperation: Scenarios by 2035

Mapping the EU’s digital trade

Making migrant returns a pre-condition of trade openness

European Strategic Autonomy
and the US–China Rivalry:

Strategic Autonomy
in Post-Covid Trade Policy

How Effective is Differentiation in the EU Economic Policy Field?

From Expectation to Action

RCEP: the geopolitical impact from a new wave of economic integration

Greening EU Trade 4:
How to “green” trade agreements?


Brexit: Breaking the laws of gravity?

Trade in pandemic times

A European Border Carbon Adjustment proposal
Greening EU trade – 3

Covid-19: the urgent need for stricter foreign investment controls

Industrial subsidies are at the heart of the trade war

The WTO in crisis:
Can we do without multilateralism in the digital age?

Greening EU trade policy – 2 :
the economics of trade and environment

Trade war :
bad timing for Brexit ‘take back control’

Guerre commerciale : « L’Europe peut encore peser »

A greener and more inclusive trade policy

Time to green EU trade policy : but how?

Sustaining multilateralism in a multipolar world what france and germany can do to preserve the multilateral order

Brexit: the Knowns Amongst the Unknowns. For the UK, the EU and Third Countries, notably South Korea

What impact would a No Deal Brexit have on European Parliament elections?

EU and US Sanctions: which sovereignty?

Towards a European Transition Support Fund

Brexit: potential scenarios amid turbulent waters

Reforming the WTO – with or without the US?

Saving the WTO Appellate Body or returning to the Wild West of trade?

International Trade: Does Europe Protect?

Transition: the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Brexit Galaxy

Rights and Role of the European Parliament in Common Commercial Policy

Screening foreign direct investment in Europe

Protecting without Protectionism?

To Be European in a Global World

Trump Trade: More Bark than Bite?

European identity in the context of globalisation

Stopping CETA and TTIP will not stop globalisation

Building the future of the EU: our generation’s duty

The revival of the EU at 27

Globalisation ethics

The Political Future of the European Union by Jean-Claude Juncker

The Political Future of the European Union by Manuel Valls

The Political Future of the European Union

Stronger together – even at 27!

Fear of TTIP, globalisation, or a middle class downgrade?

France: A hotbed of opposition to the TTIP?

TTIP and third states

The EU needs a fresh boost… Fast!

ISDS in TTIP: the devil is in the details

The EU after the elections: what strategy for globalisation?

The World Trade Organisation: new issues, new challenges

What the French told us about globalisation

What European democracy in the face of globalisation and the crisis?

The single market and cohesion policy dyad: battered by the crisis and globalisation

Inventing the European policies of tomorrow

The TTIP at the forefront of the 21st century international trade system?

The TTIP negotiations: A Pirandello play

Is globalisation in need of global governance?

Think Global – Act European IV. Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

Challenges and prospects of a transatlantic free trade area

Challenges and prospects of a transatlantic free trade area

Challenges and prospects of a transatlantic free trade area

Rethinking the EMU and making Greater Europe positive again

Engaging with middle and global players

Think Global – Act European IV – Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?

Towards a common external representation for the eurozone ?

Towards a Transatlantic Market?

Europe’s Trade Strategy: Promise or Peril?

How can the EU promote its economic interests with China?

Global governance: tackling the issue of values

Single market: new rules urgently needed

European influence: the need for a paradigm shift

The globalisation: where are we coming from? Where are we going to?

Setting up and governing the euro

EU governance under the stress test of emerging economies

Trade Policy in the EU’s Neighbourhood. Ways forward for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements

The Case for Renewing Transatlantic Capitalism – Final report of the New Atlantic Capitalism project

Pascal Lamy’ speech “Europe in the Global Economy”

The Future of Europe in the New Global Economy

The EU and the world: sink or swim

Regionalism & Global Governance:The Emerging Agenda

Markets and Government before, during and after the 2007-20xx Crisis” – Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

A Changing Global Context in Agricultural Policy

Report on East Asian Integration: Opportunities and Obstacles for Enhanced Economic Cooperation

What disruptions to supply and demand in world agriculture?

Europe and Global Issues

Global economy prize 2006- University of Kiel

The European Union and the Doha Round post Hong Kong

Free Trade Today – The Capital Myth by Jagdish Bhagwati