
Paris, 22 May 2018 – eHealth: Cure for Europeans?

| 22/05/2018 | 18:00 > 20:00 |
Conférence |

The Jacques Delors Institute, jointly with the MACIF, organises a seminar on eHealth and its development into European political initiatives, since the publication of the Commission's Action Plan on eHealth in 2011.



Since two decades, European health systems are put under higher budgetary constraints, to which the application of Information and Communication Technologies into the medical sector – what we call the “eHealth” – may stand as a relief. Indeed, eHealth would offer innovative solutions for a deep transformation of health systems into more efficient, qualitative and, last but not least, patient-centered ones.  Through this lense, eHealth innovations will be fairer by empowering the patient, the latter being capable of getting health care, regardless of existing territorial constraints. The European Commission has tackled this issue, as esemplify by the publication, in 2011, of its “Action Plan for eHealth” and its numerous initiatives launched for the development of a Digital Single Market. Today, the time has come to review these policies : how developed is the eHealth sector compared to 2011, and which opportunities has it created for ICTs companies and those from the medical and financial sectors ? How efficient are the European tools put in place since 2011 to foster the development of eHealth throughout Europe and enable interoperability between Member States ? For eHealth to succeed, and therefore to be endorsed and used by European citizens, a higher protection of the latter’s personal datas is paramount : is it sufficiently guaranteed by the European legal framework, notably the GDPR ? To what extent opportunities stemming from eHealth – a facilitated data collection and data sharing system between patient, practitioners and companies – and risks in terms of data protection shall be balanced ?

Debate : Developping digital tools for a better patient management and the guarantee of its medical data protection
François Lescure, CATEL trustee and President of Médecin Direct
Dr. Bernard Maillet, member of the Standing Committee of European Doctors, representative of the SCED in the eHealth stakeholder group of the European eHealth Network
Me. Ghislaine Issenhuth, Lawyer in Lmt Avocats, expert in health care and pharmaceutical law, member of the CODEM and the CPP Il-de-France V

Lucie-Hélène Pagnat, jurist, LmtAvocats

Invitation only

Since two decades, European health systems are put under higher budgetary constraints, to which the application of Information and Communication Technologies into the medical sector – what we call the “eHealth” – may stand as a relief. Indeed, eHealth would offer innovative solutions for a deep transformation of health systems into more efficient, qualitative and, last but not least, patient-centered ones.  Through this lense, eHealth innovations will be fairer by empowering the patient, the latter being capable of getting health care, regardless of existing territorial constraints. The European Commission has tackled this issue, as esemplify by the publication, in 2011, of its “Action Plan for eHealth” and its numerous initiatives launched for the development of a Digital Single Market. Today, the time has come to review these policies : how developed is the eHealth sector compared to 2011, and which opportunities has it created for ICTs companies and those from the medical and financial sectors ? How efficient are the European tools put in place since 2011 to foster the development of eHealth throughout Europe and enable interoperability between Member States ? For eHealth to succeed, and therefore to be endorsed and used by European citizens, a higher protection of the latter’s personal datas is paramount : is it sufficiently guaranteed by the European legal framework, notably the GDPR ? To what extent opportunities stemming from eHealth – a facilitated data collection and data sharing system between patient, practitioners and companies – and risks in terms of data protection shall be balanced ?

Debate : Developping digital tools for a better patient management and the guarantee of its medical data protection
François Lescure, CATEL trustee and President of Médecin Direct
Dr. Bernard Maillet, member of the Standing Committee of European Doctors, representative of the SCED in the eHealth stakeholder group of the European eHealth Network
Me. Ghislaine Issenhuth, Lawyer in Lmt Avocats, expert in health care and pharmaceutical law, member of the CODEM and the CPP Il-de-France V

Lucie-Hélène Pagnat, jurist, LmtAvocats

Invitation only
