
Paris, 24 October- How can Europeans be considered seriously with lower hard security capacities?

| 22/10/2012 | |
Séminaire |

The third seminar of the project Think Global - Act European IV, focused around the European external action, will take place on the 24th October 2012 in Paris.



The third seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV, focused around the European external action, will take place on the 24th October 2012 in Paris.

The seminar, entitled “How can Europeans be considered seriously with lower hard security capacities?” will bring together experts from the working group on EU defence.

The programme

The synthesis

Participants include:
Elvire Fabry (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute)
Daniel Keohane (FRIDE)
Jan Techau (Carnegie Europe)
Nick Witney (ECFR)
Ronja Kempin (SWP)
Jean-Pierre Darnis (IAI)

The next edition of the report, to be published in March 2013, under the direction of Elvire Fabry will focus on the EUs external action: Think Global Act European (TGAE). Thinking Strategically about the EUs External Action.

As for the previous reports, the next edition of the report TGAE will be based on the collective work of a group of 16 European think tanks.

The 16 think tanks mobilised in this project will confront their analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Brussels during the autumn 2013.

The third seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV, focused around the European external action, will take place on the 24th October 2012 in Paris.

The seminar, entitled “How can Europeans be considered seriously with lower hard security capacities?” will bring together experts from the working group on EU defence.

The programme

The synthesis

Participants include:
Elvire Fabry (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute)
Daniel Keohane (FRIDE)
Jan Techau (Carnegie Europe)
Nick Witney (ECFR)
Ronja Kempin (SWP)
Jean-Pierre Darnis (IAI)

The next edition of the report, to be published in March 2013, under the direction of Elvire Fabry will focus on the EUs external action: Think Global Act European (TGAE). Thinking Strategically about the EUs External Action.

As for the previous reports, the next edition of the report TGAE will be based on the collective work of a group of 16 European think tanks.

The 16 think tanks mobilised in this project will confront their analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Brussels during the autumn 2013.