Paris, 28 April 2014 – The enlargement of the EU ten years later : what social and economic assessment ?
The Embassy of Poland in France and Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute organise a conference the 28 April on "The enlargement of the EU ten years later: what social and economic assessment?".
The Embassy of Poland in France and Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute organise a conference on the theme : “The enlargement of the EU ten years later : what social and economic assessment?”.
Monday 28 April
from 17h to 19h
Embassy of Poland in France
57, rue Saint Dominique
75007 Paris ?
17.00 > 17.15 Introduction by S. Exc. M. Tomasz ORLOWSKI, Ambassador of Poland in France
17.15 > 19.00 Enlargement of the EU to the East: what social and economic assessment?”
Vasco CAL, Adviser to BEPA (Bureau of European Policy Advisers), European Commission
Bernard GUETTA, Columnist of International policy at France Inter and Libération, author of “Intime conviction”
Marjorie JOUEN, Adviser of Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute, author of “The Single Market / cohesion policy dyad: battered by the crisis and globalisation”
Moderator: Yves BERTONCINI, Director of Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute
Mandatory registration at at least 48h before the conference
Please come with an ID
The Embassy of Poland in France and Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute organise a conference on the theme : “The enlargement of the EU ten years later : what social and economic assessment?”.
Monday 28 April
from 17h to 19h
Embassy of Poland in France
57, rue Saint Dominique
75007 Paris ?
17.00 > 17.15 Introduction by S. Exc. M. Tomasz ORLOWSKI, Ambassador of Poland in France
17.15 > 19.00 Enlargement of the EU to the East: what social and economic assessment?”
Vasco CAL, Adviser to BEPA (Bureau of European Policy Advisers), European Commission
Bernard GUETTA, Columnist of International policy at France Inter and Libération, author of “Intime conviction”
Marjorie JOUEN, Adviser of Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute, author of “The Single Market / cohesion policy dyad: battered by the crisis and globalisation”
Moderator: Yves BERTONCINI, Director of Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute
Mandatory registration at at least 48h before the conference
Please come with an ID