
Paris, 3 October 2018 – Beyond Trade Wars: From Free Trade to Fair Trade

| 03/10/2018 | 11:45 > 13:00 |

Pascal Lamy, President emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute, participates in the Paris Conference 2018, organized by the International Economic Forum of the Americas.



According to the latest World Bank economic outlook, an escalation of tariffs up to legally-allowed bound rates could derail the current economic recovery and lead to a decline in global trade flows not seen since the Great Recession. Is there a global loss of appetite for trade liberalization? How can the World Trade Organization be reformed to address ongoing criticism? What global rules are needed to ensure fairer and more inclusive trade?

Pascal Lamy intervenes alongside Victor Harison, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission, Thierry de Longuemar, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Ken Ash, Director, Trade and Agriculture, Organization Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Robert Tessier, Chairman of the Board, Caisse de dépôt et placement of Québec, and Bruce Stokes, Director, Economic Research, Pew Research Center. The meeting is moderated by Pierre-Marc Johnson, former First Minister of Quebec.

To participate to this event, follow this link.

According to the latest World Bank economic outlook, an escalation of tariffs up to legally-allowed bound rates could derail the current economic recovery and lead to a decline in global trade flows not seen since the Great Recession. Is there a global loss of appetite for trade liberalization? How can the World Trade Organization be reformed to address ongoing criticism? What global rules are needed to ensure fairer and more inclusive trade?

Pascal Lamy intervenes alongside Victor Harison, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission, Thierry de Longuemar, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Ken Ash, Director, Trade and Agriculture, Organization Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Robert Tessier, Chairman of the Board, Caisse de dépôt et placement of Québec, and Bruce Stokes, Director, Economic Research, Pew Research Center. The meeting is moderated by Pierre-Marc Johnson, former First Minister of Quebec.

To participate to this event, follow this link.

Centre des Conférences de l'OCDE

