Strasbourg, 18 May 2017 – What Future for Europe?
The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in the framework of the More EU project and in partnership with the City of Strasbourg and the Young Europeans Strasbourg, a debate about the assesment of 60 years of European construction and the new challenges the EU has to address.
The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in the framework of the More EU project and in partnership with the City of Strasbourg and the Young Europeans Strasbourg, a debate about the assesment of 60 years of European construction and the new challenges the EU has to address.
18h00 > 20h00
Salle de l’Aubette, 31 place Kleber, 67 000 Strasbourg
Language: FR
18h00 > 18h15 – Introduction
Nawel RAFIK-ELMRINI, Adjointe au maire en charge des relations européennes et internationales
18h15 > 20h00 – What future for the EU these sixty years to come ?
Ewald EISENBERG, Professor at the University of Applied administrative sciences of Kehl, former founding director of Kehl Euro-Institut
Kai LITTMANN, journaliste chez Eurojournalist
Sylvain SCHIRMANN, Professor at the Strasbourg IEP, specialist of the franco-german relation
Debate with the audience
Debate moderated by Claire VERSINI, event manager at the Jacques Delors Institute
Free entrance, mandatory registration
The European construction has floursihed on essentially economic bases since the Treaty of Rome in 1957, before enlarging progressively its competences and becoming today’s “European Union”, a Union of which the franco-german couple has always been a driving force.
At a time when the European project is attacked from several political and media fronts and when the franco-german couple has to redefine its relationship after the French election and soon-to-be German elections, the Jacques Delors Institute, in partnership with the City of Strasbourg, the Young Europeans, and its European partners in the project “More Europe to overcome the crisis”, debate about the assesment of 60 years of European construction and the new challenges it has to address, and, in anparticularly unstable and stimulating international context.
Find more information about the musical show and the debate which takes place after it on the 18 May morning, and the workshops taking place in the afternoon on our website.
The Jacques Delors Institute organises, in the framework of the More EU project and in partnership with the City of Strasbourg and the Young Europeans Strasbourg, a debate about the assesment of 60 years of European construction and the new challenges the EU has to address.
18h00 > 20h00
Salle de l’Aubette, 31 place Kleber, 67 000 Strasbourg
Language: FR
18h00 > 18h15 – Introduction
Nawel RAFIK-ELMRINI, Adjointe au maire en charge des relations européennes et internationales
18h15 > 20h00 – What future for the EU these sixty years to come ?
Ewald EISENBERG, Professor at the University of Applied administrative sciences of Kehl, former founding director of Kehl Euro-Institut
Kai LITTMANN, journaliste chez Eurojournalist
Sylvain SCHIRMANN, Professor at the Strasbourg IEP, specialist of the franco-german relation
Debate with the audience
Debate moderated by Claire VERSINI, event manager at the Jacques Delors Institute
Free entrance, mandatory registration
The European construction has floursihed on essentially economic bases since the Treaty of Rome in 1957, before enlarging progressively its competences and becoming today’s “European Union”, a Union of which the franco-german couple has always been a driving force.
At a time when the European project is attacked from several political and media fronts and when the franco-german couple has to redefine its relationship after the French election and soon-to-be German elections, the Jacques Delors Institute, in partnership with the City of Strasbourg, the Young Europeans, and its European partners in the project “More Europe to overcome the crisis”, debate about the assesment of 60 years of European construction and the new challenges it has to address, and, in anparticularly unstable and stimulating international context.
Find more information about the musical show and the debate which takes place after it on the 18 May morning, and the workshops taking place in the afternoon on our website.