The COVID-19 crisis and the recovery strategy adopted by European and national decision makers are accelerating the already on-going transformations of our societies, and as a consequence, the rapid and deep changes already at work on the labour market will intensify.
In this changing labour environment where the need for upskilling and reskilling is greater than ever, frontloading skills through initial education that results in a single qualification for life is not effective. Instead, adopting a life cycle perspective on skills development – that involves an ongoing process of building, maintaining and improving skills throughout life – will make the difference in countries’ capacities to fully reap the benefits of the ongoing transitions and offset their side effects.
While responsibilities in the field of adult learning mostly lie at national and regional levels, the European Union needs to play its part to ensure that the right to lifelong learning, enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights, becomes a reality for all Europeans. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s proposal on individual learning accounts on the 8th of December, the Jacques Delors Institute and Foundation for European Progressive Studies are organising a webinar aiming to contribute to the debate on these schemes and lifelong learning in general.
The study on individual learning accounts will be presented by authors Sofia Fernandes and Klervi Kerneis. Minister Tuula Haatainen, Finnish Minister of Employment, European Commissioner for jobs and social rights Nicolas Schmit, David Rinaldi, Director for Policies and Studies, FEPS, and Ms Alicia Homs Ginel, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (S&D), will discuss the strategy to implement the European Commission’s proposal.
The conference will take place on November 30th, 4.00-5.45pm, online. It will feature the presentation of the joint paper of the Jacques Delors Institute and FEPS, as well as a keynote speech and high-level talk. More information will follow.
The COVID-19 crisis and the recovery strategy adopted by European and national decision makers are accelerating the already on-going transformations of our societies, and as a consequence, the rapid and deep changes already at work on the labour market will intensify.
In this changing labour environment where the need for upskilling and reskilling is greater than ever, frontloading skills through initial education that results in a single qualification for life is not effective. Instead, adopting a life cycle perspective on skills development – that involves an ongoing process of building, maintaining and improving skills throughout life – will make the difference in countries’ capacities to fully reap the benefits of the ongoing transitions and offset their side effects.
While responsibilities in the field of adult learning mostly lie at national and regional levels, the European Union needs to play its part to ensure that the right to lifelong learning, enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights, becomes a reality for all Europeans. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s proposal on individual learning accounts on the 8th of December, the Jacques Delors Institute and Foundation for European Progressive Studies are organising a webinar aiming to contribute to the debate on these schemes and lifelong learning in general.
The study on individual learning accounts will be presented by authors Sofia Fernandes and Klervi Kerneis. Minister Tuula Haatainen, Finnish Minister of Employment, European Commissioner for jobs and social rights Nicolas Schmit, David Rinaldi, Director for Policies and Studies, FEPS, and Ms Alicia Homs Ginel, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (S&D), will discuss the strategy to implement the European Commission’s proposal.
The conference will take place on November 30th, 4.00-5.45pm, online. It will feature the presentation of the joint paper of the Jacques Delors Institute and FEPS, as well as a keynote speech and high-level talk. More information will follow.
Making the most of the European Year of Skills

2023 European Year of Skills