
WEBINAR | Overcoming Covid-19 crises by building a clean and resilient Europe

| 29/04/2020 | 14:30 > 15:30 |
Conference |

The Jacques Delors Institute kindly invites you to join its webinar « Overcoming Covid-19 crises by building a clean and resilient Europe» which will be held on april 29th at 2:30pm.

This webinar will be hosted by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director of the Jacques Delors Energy Centre and Emilie Magdalinski, Research fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute, co-authors of the recent policy brief Overcoming covid-19 crises by building a clean and resilient Europe.



They will welcome Geneviève Pons, Director General of Europe Jacques Delors (Brussels) and Nils Redeker, Policy fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre of the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin) (tbc).

Our panel of experts will discuss actions the European Union can undertake during each of the three main phases of Covid-19 crisis response: crisis management, economic recovery and fiscal consolidation. They will then offer a more specific focus on the energy and mobility tools that can help address the Covid-19 health and economic crises, and that are vital tools to deliver a clean and resilient Europe in the near future and the European Green Deal.

They will welcome Geneviève Pons, Director General of Europe Jacques Delors (Brussels) and Nils Redeker, Policy fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre of the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin) (tbc).

Our panel of experts will discuss actions the European Union can undertake during each of the three main phases of Covid-19 crisis response: crisis management, economic recovery and fiscal consolidation. They will then offer a more specific focus on the energy and mobility tools that can help address the Covid-19 health and economic crises, and that are vital tools to deliver a clean and resilient Europe in the near future and the European Green Deal.