
Erasmus of Politics – Strasbourg cursus of the Académie Notre Europe trip to Rome

| 22/03/2018 | |
Conférence |

The Strasbourg cursus of the Académie Notre Europe meets with members of the Scuola di Politiche during a two-days session in Rome. Exchanges tackle the future of the EU, European development aid policies and information, be it through statistics or media, on Europe. This Roman session is also be the occasion to discover political for the future of the European construction by youth of the Académie and the Scuola.



During the inaugural session of the Académie Notre Europe, Enrico Letta wished for an “Erasmus of politics” to come into place, meaning a citizen Erasmus that would see the European youth to meet, dialogue and produce propositions for the future of the European construction. With this goal in mind, members of the Strasbourg cursus of the Académie Notre Europe, and of the Scuola di politiche, worked together on several issues and are gathering in Rome to present their propositions which will then be sharpenned until the Parisian meeting in May 2018. This Roman session also gives them the opportunity to meet with G. Amato, C. K. Kyenge, E. Giovannini and E. Joszef in order to discuss Europe as it is made.

During the inaugural session of the Académie Notre Europe, Enrico Letta wished for an “Erasmus of politics” to come into place, meaning a citizen Erasmus that would see the European youth to meet, dialogue and produce propositions for the future of the European construction. With this goal in mind, members of the Strasbourg cursus of the Académie Notre Europe, and of the Scuola di politiche, worked together on several issues and are gathering in Rome to present their propositions which will then be sharpenned until the Parisian meeting in May 2018. This Roman session also gives them the opportunity to meet with G. Amato, C. K. Kyenge, E. Giovannini and E. Joszef in order to discuss Europe as it is made.
