
Training on European issues

| 21/03/2019 | 9:00 > 16:30 |

Union training "European Questions", with Jean-Pierre BOBICHON, adviser to the Jacques Delors Institute - militant CFDT



Among the values ​​of the CFDT, the European construction has its place. To make it an area of ​​peace and prosperity remains our ambition, at a time when the construction of Europe is being abused. Many questions arise for each of us. Teams are increasingly being solicited by members who have worked in another country, especially in border areas. This training should allow us to better understand the Europe we want and to reflect on our demands on social Europe.

Among the values ​​of the CFDT, the European construction has its place. To make it an area of ​​peace and prosperity remains our ambition, at a time when the construction of Europe is being abused. Many questions arise for each of us. Teams are increasingly being solicited by members who have worked in another country, especially in border areas. This training should allow us to better understand the Europe we want and to reflect on our demands on social Europe.

Maison des Syndicats – 474 allée Henri II de Montmorency – 34000 Montpellier

