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Achieving a Doubly Green Revolution
The relationship between agriculture and the environment is the subject
of increasingly heated debate. The aim of this paper is not to explain
all of the controversy’s technical aspects, but rather to formulate a
general framework which will allow for a convergence of the “two Green
“The relationship between agriculture and the environment is the subject of increasingly heated debate. The aim of this paper is not to explain all of the controversy’s technical aspects, but rather to formulate a general framework which will allow for a convergence of the “two Green Revolutions.”
Jacques Delors
The European recovery plan as a breakthrough for green innovation? Challenges and opportunities for an innovative green recovery

Climate: How do MEPs vote?

Greening EU Trade 4:
How to “green” trade agreements?

Face à la détresse du monde agricole, la remise en cause des accords de libre-échange

Farmers’ protests are France’s first EU campaign battleground

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Webinar | War in Ukraine: what consequences for agri-food supplies in Africa and Europe? [FR]

Euroquestions | War in Ukraine : What are the consequences for the European agricultural model? [FR]

Conference on the Future of Europe – Climate Change, Environment/Health

Table Ronde : “La politique européenne de l’énergie à l’heure du changement climatique”

Annulé : L’urgence climatique, un défi aussi pour les villes d’Europe

Paris, 5 November 2019 – How to finance Energy Innovation in Europe in order to reach Climate neutrality by 2050?

Brussels, 16th October 2019 – Three solutions to finance the Green Deal

Brussels, 15 October 2019 – Europe: Post Elections Challenges

Brussels, 27 June 2019 – Women Rule Summit 2019

Paris, 16 mai 2019 — ParisMat

Paris, 16 April 2019 — European elections: assessment and proposals of the candidates for the climate

Paris, 19 February 2019 – If the climate was a bank, we would have saved it already. What are we waiting for?

Katowice, 13 December 2018 – COP24: Yes Europe !

Paris, 4 December 2018 – Ecological transition and the European Union: what are the levers for the emergency?

Hamburg, 16 November 2018 – FOTAR 2018 : Transatlantic Environmental Policy

Madeira, 19 October 2018 – The EU long-term energy-climate strategy

Paris, 28 September 2018 – Autumn School of the European Trade Union Confederation

Brussels, 28 June 2018 – Globalisation and Europeanisation: European solutions for global problems?

Brussels, 24 April 2018 – Geo-politics and the need for transition to cleaner energy

Barcelona, 16 March 2018 – Global commitments on climate change