
CAP reform beyond 2013: An idea for a longer view

This publication is the result of Task Force work launched by Notre Europe in the end of 2005. The ambition of this contribution is to reconsider without taboos the objectives of a European farm policy with a long view(…). Dowloaded more than 13 000 times (Oct.2012)

| 14/02/2008

This publication is the result of Task Force work launched by Notre Europe in the end of 2005. The ambition of this contribution is to reconsider without taboos the objectives of a European farm policy with a long view; to assess the instruments currently in place; and, drawing lessons from the past, to make suggestions on how to design the future CAP due in 2013. 

Few outcomes of this report:

This document has been downloaded more than 13 000 times. (October 8th 2012)

This study has been quoted as a reference on  George Lyon’s report, voted on June 21st 2010, by the European Parliament Committee on Agricuture and Rural Development. 

BEPA (Bureau of European Policy Advisers) – European Commission, August 2008.

European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), August 2008.

CAP Developments After 2013, Working Paper 2012-08, AGFOODTRADE (a revised version of this paper was publishe in QA Revista Dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria. 4-2009, pp 29-56., under the title “CAP Payments After 2013 and Rural Public Goods)