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Clean energy for all Europeans: time to deliver!

On February 25th 2015, the European Commission embraced the comprehensive approach to the Energy Union advocated by the Jacques Delors Institute. Negotiation starts and we now must help decision-makers achieving an “Energy Union Deal” serving the interests of European citizens.

Two years ago, on February 25th 2015, the European Commission embraced the comprehensive approach to the Energy Union advocated by the Jacques Delors Institute. It has now delivered the key proposals that will shape Europe’s energy future. Negotiation starts and we now must help decision-makers achieving an “Energy Union Deal” serving the interests of European citizens.
One way forward is for the European Commission to act, as a regulator and a financer, but also as a dynamic enabler working with forward-looking companies, NGOs and elected officials to show the real-life benefits of delivering clean energy for all.

This Tribune by Enrico Letta, our President, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, research fellow, and Jean-Arnold Vinois, adviser, is also available in German.