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Competition, Cooperation, Solidarity: new challenges

Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors publishes the synthesis of the conference called “Competition – Cooperation – Solidarity: Facing the new EU challenges” that took place in Brussels on 16 October 2012.

| 06/11/2012

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes the synthesis of the conference called “Competition – Cooperation – Solidarity: Facing the new EU challenges” that was held in Brussels on 16 October 2012.

The event was organized to mark the 20th anniversary of the European Single Market, an initiative launched by Jacques Delors, and to celebrate the change of name of Notre Europe, which from now on will be known as Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute.

The seminar consisted of introductory speech by António Vitorino, the president of Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and three round tables. Every roundtable dealt with one of the most acute problems of the EU today: the need of a new start for the European Economic and Monetary Union; single market and EU funding; and the future of the social dimension in the European project.

Each of the three roundtables brought together high level experts and moderators and opened the floor to the discussion with the public.

This synthesis focuses on the main themes developed by the speakers.