
COP21: an opportunity to speed up the global energy transition

This Viewpoint by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin and Jean-Arnold Vinois analyses how climate change is the defining challenge of the 21st century, bearing immense threats for mankind as well as the opportunity to foster the transformation of our energy systems to create jobs and to make the EU an actor of the global energy transition.

This Viewpoint by Thomas Pellerin-Carlin and Jean-Arnold Vinois analyses how climate change is the defining challenge of the 21st century, bearing immense threats for mankind as well as the opportunity to foster the transformation of our energy systems to create jobs and to make the EU an actor of the global energy transition.

1. Climate change and the energy transition have already started 
2. COP21 needs to send strong signals to speed up the energy transition
3. After COP21: building an Energy Union that fosters the global energy transition