Policy paper N°305

Enlargement needs an Associated State status

A bold step towards EU membership

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Maillard, S. “Enlargement needs an Associated State status”, Policy Paper N°305, Jacques Delors Institute, October 2024

Enlargement is a lengthy process, involving gradual integration into the European Union. This progression should be marked by the recognition of an associated state status once substantial progress has been achieved in the accession negotiations. Transitional and reversible, this advanced stage in the process would be subject to strict conditions and give entitlement to defined institutional (participation without voting) and financial benefits. It would enable the country concerned, the European institutions, the Member States and their public opinion to become better acquainted with each other before the country’s definitive entry. This new status would give credibility to a possible forthcoming full membership, while sending out a new strong geopolitical signal of the country’s close ties with the EU when rival influences try to hamper them.