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EU resource management: time for coherence

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute presents the synthesis of the 2nd seminar of the project TGAE, which dealt with the issue of a sustainable and strategic management of natural resources and which took place, in partnership with the Centre for European Reform (CER), on the 18th October 2012 in London.

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute presents the synthesis of  the second seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV which took place, in partnership with the Centre for European Reform (CER), on the 18th October 2012 in London.

The seminar, entitled “EU’s external action for a sustainable and strategic management of natural resources” brought together experts from the working group II dedi­cated to EU’s climate change, energy, agricultural
policies and more broadly the resource challenge.

This brief synthesis regroups salient points of the discussions, before the publication of a series of policy papers in January 2013 and the final report Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action”, directed by Elvire Fabry, in May 2013.
The Synthesis

The policy papers

The debate was shaped by the contributions of the following experts:

Discussions were introduced by H.E. Mr. Poul Skytte Christoffersen, Denmark ambassador to Belgium, former Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Fischer Boel and former Foreign Affairs Minister of Denmark.

The final report TGAE will be based on the collective work of the following 16 European think tanks:

The 16 think tanks participating in this project confront their analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris, Madrid and Brussels during October 2012.

The programme is led with the support of the