Other document
European “avant-garde”, a new centre of gravity for Europe
Fourth Franco-German conference, Témoins-Europartenaires-Friedrich Stiftung, Paris, 29 June 2000. Available in French and German.
Vous vous rappelez sans doute qu’il y a six ou huit mois, lorsque certains d’entre nous en France ou ailleurs, posaient des questions sur le devenir de l’Europe, sur la nécessité d’un débat, on nous répondait par un silence assourdissant.
Aujourd’hui fort heureusement, ce n’est plus le cas, le débat est lancé, et on ne peut que s’en féliciter. Mais ce débat doit porter à mon sens sur quatre questions indissociables et non pas sur une : vers quoi voulons-nous aller ?, avec quels moyens ? dans quel cadre institutionnel ? et dans quel système juridique ? Parler institutions sans répondre aux deux premières questions, ne serait ni raisonnable ni réaliste. Ce serait ouvrir la porte à des malentendus qui pèsent souvent très lourds dans la suite des discussions. Je crois qu’il faut sortir de l’ambiguà¯té sur quatre concepts fréquemment utilisés Aujourd’hui, si vous me permettez ce court préalable méthodologique.
Reflecting on the future of the European Union in light of Jacques Delors’ legacy

North Macedonia’s EU path: Challenges and opportunities in 2025

EU enlargement and the post-2027 Multi-Annual Financial Framework


The Jacques Delors Agora: Europe’s Next Generation

New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

Elections in Serbia 2023: One month later

” Come on, courage, the Spring of Europe is still ahead of us ! ” Jacques Delors, Speech to the European Parliament, 19 January 1995

Declining birth rate in Europe

Newsletter June 2022

European Confederation. A much-maligned concept

[FR] Spitzenkandidaten : oui ou non ?

Happy birthday and best wishes, Erasmus!

Belonging to Europe

A move towards adequate minimum wages in the European Union?

Message for the JDI’s 25th anniversary celebration. Thinking Europe as ours




French public opinion and Europe
between distrust and ambivalence

Élargissement :
Faire tomber le mur du rejet

Reflections on “the end of the cold war?”

30 ans après la chute du Mur de Berlin :
Penser les frontières de l’Union européenne

Europe according to Jacques Delors

2019, année pour « Nous, Européens »

Europe : la nécessité d’agir

United in growing diversity: How the EU takes intercultural relations into account in its Western Balkans enlargement policy

Es ist Zeit

From Trump to the European New Deal

The European ambition of President Macron and the reactions in Europe to his project

Romano Prodi discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years

Sharing solidarity and sovereignty better: transcending “euroscoliosis”

Pascal Lamy discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years

Peter Sutherland discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years

Etienne Davignon discusses the Commission presidency and the Delors years

Jacques Delors discusses the Commission presidency and the EU’s institutional functioning

Out of concern for Europe

Is Europe failing?

Reforming Europe’s governance

Post-election EU: Ask for the programme!

The EU and enlargement ten years on: success and improvement

The Baltic states in the EU: yesterday, today and tomorrow

What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighborhood?

Rethinking the EMU and making Greater Europe positive again

Fear not, we will get there!

“Europe” and its “enlargements”: enough… or do we want more?

Averting two pitfalls: illusion and inertia

Europe between renewal and decline

Rebuilding Greater Europe

Desperately looking for more EU-Turkey geo-political and geo-economic cooperation

Building Europe: V. Giscard d’Estaing and J. Delors debate with young Europeans

The Nobel Prize, then what?

What future for the EU and its Court of justice?

Consolidating the EMU, a vital task

EU, Catalonia and regional separatism

For a revival of Europe

The EU, its Neighbours and its Borders

Enlargement: a Tool for the EU, a Prospect for Our Neighbours

José-Manuel Barroso ‘ Speech et the BEPA-Notre Europe seminar on the Community method

The Maastricht Treaty 20 years on

European treaties and national democracies

President Barroso’s Road Map

“The euro, in historical and institutional terms”

Conference-Debate with Viviane Reding

“Europe is the solution, not the problem”

The Euro, the investors and the governance – Proceedings of the seminar in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

Europe: a heritage, what responsabilities? Synthesis of the Third Europa Forum

Markets and Government before, during and after the 2007-20xx Crisis” – Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa

We shall bring you our vices

“Towards a new European Energy Community” Joint Declaration by Jerzy Buzek and Jacques Delors

Open Letter to Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council

On the EU2020

Beyond the Wall: Opening address by Joachim Bitterlich

Beyond the Wall: “The state of of the former Yugoslavia”

What European Policy Outlines for 2020?

Europe 2005-2025 : visions and contributions from think tanks

In the face of crisis, there is a need for Europe

1st European Estates General: Proud to be European?

50 years of Europe, 10 years of Notre Europe

Introduction to the debate on the future of Europe: Let’s go back to basics

20 years of Jean Monnet Committee (1955-1975)

Can Europe’s Foreign Policy rekindle the Constitutional Process?

Enlargement of Europe: some consequences for France

Un nouveau paradigme pour comprendre le monde d’aujourd’hui by Alain Touraine

Scenarios Europe 2010

Governments and International Institutions with the Debt of the Countries of the South

Forgiveness and the Promise. The Heritage of Robert Schuman

Intervention of Jacques Delors during the debate organised by Europartenaires

USA/EU: towards a Confidence Pact

European construction, yesterday, today and tomorrow

Speech for the handing-over of the “Sigillum Magnum” of the University of Bologna

Towards a new European Union

Our ideal and our priority: to reunify Europe

An Economy with the Dimension of the person

The European constitution – a step in before for the EU

To make large Europe a space of Solidarity and Cooperation

Evolution of Economic and Social Cohesion to the Future Widening

Europe and Global Issues

Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing laudatio

How to enhance economic and social cohesion in Europe after 2006?

Turkey at the gates of Europe

Large and Small Members States in the European Union

Flexibility and Enhanced Cooperation in the European Union

Enlargement of Another Kind

A driving force despite everything, Franco-German relations and the Enlarged European Union

The EU Institutional Crisis: By the Way… What do the new Member States think?

A new mechanism of enhanced co-operation for the enlarged European Union

Reform of EU policies in the perspective of enlargement and their financial implications

Direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe Union

The structural funds reform and economic and social cohesion

Global economy prize 2006- University of Kiel

The Vision of Europe in the New Member States

Intervention in front of the Socialist group of the European Parliament

Europe’s unity: a project for the 21st century

Adaptation of Cohesion policy to the enlarged Europe and the Lisbon and Göthenburg objectives

Pax Christi prize for peace, 2005

Social Europe in the throes of enlargement

Why they Wanted Europe

“The Constitution, a step forward for the European Union” intervention by Jacques Delors

The Enlarged European Commission

Speech of Jacques Delors at the Conference of European Institutes of Statistiques