
From the European Energy Community to the Energy Union

The European Commission’s promotion of the “Energy Union” as one of its priorities is a sign of a decisive breakthrough, which should be developed around three complementary directions. Such is the subject of this Tribune.

The European Commission’s promotion of the “Energy Union” as one of its priorities is a sign of a decisive breakthrough, which should be developed around three complementary directions.

1. Energy’s return to the center of European integration: breaking away from short-termism and withdrawal
2. The Energy Union: determined action for a planned European energy transition in the long term
3. A necessary precondition: an immediate review of European energy policy

Such is the subject of this Tribune co-written by Jacques Delors, Sami Andoura and Jean-Arnold Vinois and available in French, English and German.

In January, we published a report by Sami Andoura and Jean-Arnold Vinois entitled “From the European Energy Community to the Energy Union – A new Policy Proposal” in French, English, and German.