
Growth, competitiveness and employment: the rich legacy of the white paper

20 years after the publication of the white paper on “Growth, competitiveness and employment”, Jérôme Vignon presents the circumstances that spawned the white paper and its main elements before assessing the paper.

This Tribune by Jérôme Vignon is based on his opining speech during the conference “Growth, competitiveness and employment: what strategy for the EU?”, organised by Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute and EPPA, on 22 January 2014 in Brussels.

20 years after the publication of the white paper on “Growth, competitiveness and employment”, J. Vignon presents the circumstances that spawned the white paper and its main elements before assessing the paper. His Tribune deals with the following 5 points:

1. The circumstances that spawned the white paper
2. An educational approach to trigger a collective quantum leap
3. Mixed reception, rich legacy
4. Innovations which have produced results over time
5. Two issues that are still open