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Increasing positive signals and acting at the source

Our President, António Vitorino, takes a stand on the main issues of the European Council of 1819 March 2016 by answering questions about the refugee crisis, the Schengen area, the planned EU-Turkey agreement, the European Semester, the 30th anniversary of the Single European Act and the new “social package”.

| 16/03/2016

Our President, António Vitorino, takes a stand on the main issues of the European Council of 1718 March 2016 by answering the following questions:

1. The refugee crisis is once again going to be the central issue at the European Council: what analyses and recommendations can you offer in that connection?

2. Do you think that it is going to be possible to save the Schengen area despite the migrant crisis?

3. What do you think of the planned agreement between the EU and Turkey?

4. This European Council is going to conclude the first phase of the 2016 European Semester: on what priorities should it focus in particular, in your view?

5. Now that thirty years have gone by since the signing of the Single European Act, what fresh boost can this European Council impart in an effort to deepen the Single Market?