
[FR] Europe retains public favor in the face of the war in Ukraine

Only in French

| 16/03/2023

Recommended citation:
Debomy, D. 2023. « L’Europe garde les faveurs de l’opinion face à la guerre en Ukraine », Policy brief, Paris: Jacques Delors Institute, 16 March.

Is broad support for the European Union’s action, which was already noticeable a year ago, becoming established in public opinion? Several recent surveys allow us to take stock of this situation as the conflict in Ukraine enters its second year: the Commission’s Standard Eurobarometer conducted in the field in January-February 2023, the first results of which have just been published and can be compared with previous surveys of this scale; the “Parlemeter”, the Parliament’s autumn 2022 Eurobarometer, which offers certain points of comparison with the spring survey; and a survey by the Bertelsmann Foundation published last February, which provides some additional elements.

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