Report 123

Migration, asylum, mobility and integration in Europe: inseparable common values

By the Migration and Asylum Working Group

| 07/12/2021

The contributions gathered in this report show that the serious shortcomings demonstrated by the EU migration and asylum policy are interrelated and could be overcome by returning to the common values that underpin them in the
Treaty on EU:

Regulating immigration is legitimate but requires speaking the truth and relying on a sense of solidarity between countries as well as on the part of citizens to achieve integration. Illegal immigration must be combated, but this means making the European rights open to international labour mobility clear. Similarly, the full exercise of the fundamental freedom of movement within the European Union cannot be achieved without an effective convergence of national asylum policies. Such a perspective requires the establishment of trust and solidarity between the Member States, a condition that for the time being can only be achieved through differentiated integration.

Members of the Migration and Asylum Working Group
  • JÉRÔME VIGNON, President of the Migration & Asylum Working Group, Advisor at the Jacques Delors Institute;
  • CORINNE BALLEIX, Previously in charge of European migration policy at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs ;
  • JEAN-LOUIS DE BROUWER, Director of the European Affairs Programme of the Egmont Institute;
  • GIULIO DI BLASI, Director Europe of the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative – Refugee Hub;
  • YVES PASCOUAU, Associate Senior Research Fellow on Migration at the Jacques Delors Institute;
  • LUCAS RASCHE, Policy Fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre – Berlin;
  • ALAIN RÉGNIER, Prefect, Interministerial Delegate for the reception and integration of refugees;
  • HENK VAN GOETHEM, Lawyer at the Council for Alien Law Litigation (Belgium).