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Poverty, a European battle to be fought with the disadvantaged

In Europe, the number of deprived people remains much too high. The EU and Member States, who set a collective goal to decrease poverty levels prior to the crisis, must take up the fight more vigorously.

| 19/12/2017

In Europe, the number of deprived people remains much too high. The European Union and Member States, who set a collective goal to decrease poverty levels prior to the crisis, must take up the fight more vigorously. It is an economic and social challenge that also affects competitiveness. A European wake-up call which requires the participation of the poor and excluded in the policies that concern them.

In this tribune, Sylvie Goulard, former chairwoman of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Extreme Poverty and Human Rights” (20102017), former French Minister of the Armed Services, reminds us that combatting poverty requires us to question the meaning of European integration: what kind of society do we wish to build together? Following a brief overview of inequality and poverty, she asks the sensitive question of the appropriate level of public action: the EU, a champion of equality? Member States, in favour of subsidiarity, running the risk of perpetuating unanimity on tax issues, which curbs redistribution? Lastly, she considers the method selected to combat poverty, policies which must be designed with the disadvantaged.