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Promoting EU economic interests abroad

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute presents the synthesis of the 4th seminar of the project TGAE, which dealt with the issue of EU economic interests and which took place in Madrid on 24 October 2012, in partnership with the Royal Elcano Institute.

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute presents the synthesis of the fourth seminar of the project Think Global – Act European IV which took place, in partnership with the Royal Elcano Institute on the 26th October 2012 in Madrid. The seminar, entitled “How can europeans promote their economic interests across the world?” brought together experts from the working group dedi­cated to EU’s economic policy.

brief synthesis regroups salient points of the discussions, before the
publication of a series of policy papers in January 2013 and the final
report Thinking Strategically about the EU’sExternal Action”, directed by Elvire Fabry, in May 2013.

The Programme

The Synthesis

The Policy Papers

Galery of the event

D. Katsikas               D.Valiante               F. Steinberg        I. Molina        E. Fabry                 G. Escribano
ELIAMEP                     CEPS                           RIE                   RIE             Notre Europe -JDI        RIE

The debate was shaped by the contributions of the following experts:

Filippa Chatzistavrou, Research Associate, ELIAMEP
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute
François Godement, Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR
Dimitris Katsikas, Research Fellow, ELIAMEP
Agatha Kratz, Researcher, ECFR/ Asia Centre
Daniela Schwarzer, Head of Research Division EU Integration, SWP
John Springford, Research fellow, Centre for European Reform
Federico Steinberg, Senior Analyst for Economy and International Trade, Royal Elcano Institute
Pawel Swieboda, President, demosEuropa
Yiannis Tirkides, Senior Research Fellow, CCEIA
Diego Valiante, Research Fellow, CEPS
Richard Youngs, Director, FRIDE

Discussions were introduced by José Luis Pardo Cuerdo,
Deputy Director General, EU General Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs and

As for the previous reports, the next edition of the report TGAE will be based on the collective work of a group of European think tanks:


The 16 think tanks participating in this project have confronted their
analyses during a series of seminars organised in Rome, London, Paris,
Madrid and Brussels during October 2012.

This project is led with the support of: