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Single market: new rules urgently needed

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes the synthesis of the round table entitled “The single market 20 years on: achievements and prospects on economic, social and political dimensions” organised during the annual meeting of its European Steering Committee on 24 November 2012.

| 20/12/2012

Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes the synthesis of the round table entitled “The single market 20 years on: achievements and prospects on economic, social and political dimensions” organised during the annual meeting of its European Steering Committee on 24 November 2012.

After an introductory speech of Riccardo Perissich, Former Director General Industry at the European Commission, the participants discussed the successes and the challenges of the single market 20 years on.

The session has revolved around five major themes: the importance of prevailing ideology for the single market, the new challenges posed by globalization, the ways of strengthening European industry, the need of making the single market more accessible and comprehensible for both businesses and citizens and the complementary policies that have to accompany the single market.

See other syntheses of debates at the European Steering Committee.