The Debt Crisis in the Euro Area: Interest and Passions
We could pretend to be unaware that the crisis threatened the European Union itself as long as only a bank, an area of industry, or a neighboring country were affected. However, when it hit a country like Greece, a member of the euro group, it became self-evident that while Europe may not be to blame, it could well become the great global crisis’ main victim. […] Thus Europe is once again facing both an opportunity and a risk at the same time. The Union today needs to complete its project, and thus it has an opportunity to do so.
We could pretend to be unaware that the crisis threatened the European Union itself as long as only a bank, an area of industry, or a neighboring country were affected. However, when it hit a country like Greece, a member of the euro group, it became self-evident that while Europe may not be to blame, it could well become the great global crisis’ main victim. […] Thus Europe is once again facing both an opportunity and a risk at the same time. The Union today needs to complete its project, and thus it has an opportunity to do so.
The war in Ukraine:
what are the consequences for European organisations?

After Brexit, euro-denominated derivatives transactions should leave the City

The Euro as seen by citizens who do not yet have it

Marine Le Pen might be about to wreck the eurozone

L’Irlandais Paschal Donohoe reconduit à la présidence de l’Eurogroupe

Il y a vingt ans, l’arrivée des premiers euros

Paris, 12 April 2019 – Session no.6 of the Académie Notre Europe: economic and monetary Union

Berlin, 19 September 2018 – Making Europe’s Economic Union Work

Paris, 20 June 2018 – Future Europe

Luxembourg, 20 June 2018 – The reform of the EMU: which social dimension?

Nicosia, 16 March 2018 – The political landscape of EMU reform

Sofia, 9 March 2018 – The future of the EU budget

Athens, 8 February 2018 – Athens’ days: Greece, paths for hope

Bruxelles, 25 January 2018 – Academy study trip to Brussels

Paris, 8 December 2017 – Academy: Political and Social Europe

Barcelona, 22 September 2017 – After the crisis, a push forward for the eurozone

Paris, 21 July 2017 – The future of the Eurozone and the Multiannual Financial Framework

Rome, 20 March 2017 – Completing economic governance and enhancing social cohesion

Lisbon, 24th January – High-level seminar on the future of the euro