The European recovery plan as a breakthrough for green innovation? Challenges and opportunities for an innovative green recovery
The importance of green innovation for climate neutrality
The EU and its Member States have set themselves the objective to reduce their CO2 emissions by 55% (by 2030 in comparison to the level of 1990) and be carbon-neutral by 2050. To achieve these climate ambitions, they will not only have to massively invest in already existing technologies but also develop and implement innovative technologies, especially to decarbonise the industrial and transport sectors. The size and speed of investment in green innovation will be a deciding factor for the success of the green transition.
The European recovery plan as an opportunity for green innovation
In response to the Covid-19 crisis, the EU and its Member States have set up a European recovery plan (called NextGenerationEU) based on common EU debt. Through its central instrument, the recovery and resilience facility (RRF), the European recovery plan finances national recovery and resilience plans (NRRPs) through both grants and loans. To receive European funding, a number of criteria are attached to these national investment and reform plans, including the obligation that they spend at least 37% of the overall plan on the green transition. The RRF regulation provides a methodology for climate tracking, detailing to which extent specific types of investment are supporting this objective. While giving a 100% green coefficient (rather than 40%) to many investments financing particularly innovative technologies, it remains up to each individual country, to decide which types of green investment to include in their NRRPs. While all of the 22 NRRPs that have been approved so far by the European Commission and the Council of the EU fulfil the 37% green investment objective, reaching close to 40% taken altogether, we know less to which extent Member States use the European recovery plan to finance innovative green technologies and in which types of green innovation they invest.
The power struggle between the European Union and Hungary

An ambitious plan without adequate financing?

Newsletter June 2022

Intervista. Letta: «L’Europa è a un bivio, la vera sfida è finanziare il Green deal»

L’urgence climatique, première victime des élections européennes ?

L’Europe du climat: vers une grande dissolution ?

Euroquestions #61 | Hungary and Poland´s access to EU funds and the rule of law

Euroquestions | The Pact on Migration and Asylum, what about a reform never completed? [FR]

Euroquestions 57 | Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact. Key challenges and opportunities for a revamped European fiscal framework

Académie Notre Europe – Europe in the world session

Euroquestions | The Rule of law conditionality mechanism applied to Hungary

Euroquestions | Introducing new “own resources” for the EU: where do we stand?

Seminar | Heavy Industry and climate : the challenges of the transition [FR]

Conference on the Future of Europe – Climate Change, Environment/Health

European EnerGreenDeal Conference

Delivering the 2021-27 MFF and NGEU: How to match strategy, resources and expectations?

Conference : Europe in the World: Autonomy and Openness

Table Ronde : “La politique européenne de l’énergie à l’heure du changement climatique”

Euroquestions | Un an de Green Deal – 5 ans d’Accord de Paris : où en est le monde ? Où en est l’Europe ?

Euroquestions | Un an de Green Deal – 5 ans d’Accord de Paris : où en est le monde ? Où en est l’Europe ?

2020 virtual Outermost regions Forum | “Together for a sustainable future”

Euroquestions | The ongoing negotiations on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the European Recovery Plan: the state of play [Traduction simultanée vers le français disponible]

Comment garantir une relance verte et juste ?

Euroquestions | Relance et puissance : mots d’ordre de la rentrée européenne

Wébinaire | Préparer un avenir propre et résilient pour les villes européennes

Webinar | Greener After – A Green Recovery Stimulus for a post-COVID-19 Europe

Green Recovery Post Covid-19: European or National Strategies?

WEBINAR | Overcoming Covid-19 crises by building a clean and resilient Europe

Webinar | EU Green Deal: an innovative path to reach a low carbon Europe?


Annulé : L’urgence climatique, un défi aussi pour les villes d’Europe

La Pacte Vert européen, mode d’emploi

Café-Débat de l’Académie Notre Europe #1

Watch the all conference
Energising the Green Deal

What role for research and innovation in the european green deal?

Energy Innovation : how to deliver on the European green deal

Webinar on the industrial strategy for the Green Deal

Académie Notre Europe n°2 – Green Europe

Paris, 5 November 2019 – How to finance Energy Innovation in Europe in order to reach Climate neutrality by 2050?

Florence, 17 October 2019 – The MFF and EU Policie 2021-2027

Brussels, 16th October 2019 – Three solutions to finance the Green Deal

Brussels, 15 October 2019 – Europe: Post Elections Challenges

Brussels, 27 June 2019 – Women Rule Summit 2019

Brussels, 18 June 2019 – Sustainable finace for innovation and energy efficiency

Paris, 16 mai 2019 — ParisMat

Paris, 16 May 2019 – Understanding the European Energy Transition

Strasbourg, 16 May 2019 — What role for buildings in the Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy ?

Brussels, 15 May 2019 — A Long Term Strategy for Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy: what role for heat pumps?

Brussels, 15 May 2019 — A Long Term Strategy for Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy: what role for electricity ?

Florence, 9 may 2019 — Policy Advisory Council of the European University Institute’s Florence School of Regulation

Paris, 7 May 2019 — Energy security in the European energy transition

Paris, 6 May 2019 — Global oil executives and the european energy transition

Paris, 6 May 2019 — Understanding the european energy transition

Brussels, 2 May 2019 — What has the European Commission achieved for the energy transition during the last five years?

Prague, 30 April 2019 – A Long Term Strategy for Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy – what role for nuclear?

Brussels, 24 April 2019 – A Long Term Strategy for Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy

Paris, 16 April 2019 — European elections: assessment and proposals of the candidates for the climate

Paris, 12 April 2019 – Understanding the European energy transition

Brussels, 28 February 2019 — A Long Term Strategy for Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy

Brussels, 19 February 2019 – The European Energy Transition : a year ahead of the twenties

Paris, 19 February 2019 – If the climate was a bank, we would have saved it already. What are we waiting for?

Paris, 29 January 2019 – Find the taste of European adventure

Katowice, 13 December 2018 – COP24: Yes Europe !

Paris, 4 December 2018 – Ecological transition and the European Union: what are the levers for the emergency?

Hamburg, 16 November 2018 – FOTAR 2018 : Transatlantic Environmental Policy

Madeira, 19 October 2018 – The EU long-term energy-climate strategy

Brussels, 11 October 2018 – Funding Innovation to Deliver EU Competitive Climate Leadership

Paris, 3 October 2018 – Mercredi de l’innovation: meeting with Pascal Lamy

Paris, 28 September 2018 – Autumn School of the European Trade Union Confederation

Brussels, 28 June 2018 – Globalisation and Europeanisation: European solutions for global problems?

Paris, 25 May 2018 – Hearing by the rapporteurs of the report on the European policy on breakthrough innovation

Paris, 22 May 2018 – eHealth: Cure for Europeans?

Brussels, 17 May 2018 – Where is spectrum management headed in 2025-35?

Brussels, 24 April 2018 – Geo-politics and the need for transition to cleaner energy

Barcelona, 16 March 2018 – Global commitments on climate change

Brussels, 14 March 2018 – European Leadership in Global Competitive Landscape

Brussels, 1st March 2018 – Citizen Participation in the Energy Transition

Brussels, 22 February 2018 – CEPSLab 18

Paris, 15 February 2018 – Green Controversy

Paris, 16 January 2018 – “Horizon 2020” seminar

Brussels, 16 January 2018 – Europe’s challenges in 2018

Brussels, 27 September 2017 – Research & Innovation for Europe, What After 2020?

Brussels, 21 March 2017 – Beyond the first ten years

Brussels, 24 November 2016 – Skilling up the next generation for an Innovative Europe

Paris, 23 June 2016 – What reforms for Europe ?