The European Union and the defence industry
For a Europeanisation of the sinews of war

Blog post
29/01/2025 | Bertrand de Cordoue |
Europe and Ukraine: regaining the initiative

Policy Paper
27/01/2025 | Pierre Vimont |
Defence 25: thinking outside the box

Policy Paper
21/01/2025 | Nicole Gnesotto |
European sovereignty: Africa, a strategic partner in times of global challenges

Blog post
04/12/2024 | Guillaume Arditti |
2025, towards a European path for innovation, collective defence and solidarity ?

Blog post
04/12/2024 | Sylvie Matelly |
Sovereignty, did you say sovereignty?

Blog post
03/12/2024 | Bertrand de Cordoue |
Make the European Single Market fit for the age of geopolitical competition

20/11/2024 | Andreas Eisl | Eulalia Rubio |
Securing the Baltic

08/11/2024 | Cyrille Bret |
For a competitive European industrial policy

Policy Paper
07/10/2024 | Andreas Eisl |
A Rampart of Drones to Defend Europe

30/09/2024 | Pierre Haroche |
Turbo-charging the EU’s defence industry and security posture

Blog post
16/04/2024 | Thierry Tardy |
EU – Africa: Towards a renewal of the relationship?

16/04/2024 | Guillaume Arditti |
Shields Up: How China, Europe, Japan and the United States Shape the World through Economic Security

Policy Paper
The world against Europe?

Blog post
24/01/2024 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Promoting peace is not the same as fighting war

Blog post
06/12/2023 | Sylvie Matelly |
European defence Part 2 : Industries

30/11/2023 | Sylvie Matelly | Thierry Tardy |
EU and China between De-Risking and Cooperation: Scenarios by 2035

Arsenal Europe, Financing Military Capabilities for Ukraine and EU Member States

15/11/2023 | Pierre Haroche |
European defence Part 1 : budgets

26/10/2023 | Thierry Tardy | Sylvie Matelly |
India and the European Union in 2030

29/06/2023 | Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki |
[FR] Faced with the Russian threat, which budgets for which defence?

Blog post
28/06/2023 | Thierry Tardy |
A European Political Community for a Geopolitical Era

Other document
23/05/2023 | Sébastien Maillard | Arancha Gonzalez | Xavier Prats-Monné | Arnault Barichella | Jérôme Vignon |
EU economic governance in the new geopolitical scenario: a policy agenda

Other document
15/05/2023 | Riccardo Perissich |
A new world order?

Blog post
13/03/2023 | Nicole Gnesotto |
What security guarantees can the EU provide to Ukraine?

Blog post
03/03/2023 | Pierre Haroche |
Victory, but what kind?

Blog post
01/03/2023 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Whose leadership will emerge from the new European geopolitical situation?

Blog post
22/02/2023 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Is neutrality an outdated concept in Europe?

31/01/2023 | Cyrille Bret |
China and the role of Europe in a new world order

Policy Paper
Cyberattacks in Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine

Policy Paper
21/09/2022 | Arnault Barichella |
Which European defence policy?

01/09/2022 | Benjamin Couteau |
Stop feeding the bear

Blog post
09/05/2022 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
Bosnia and Herzegovina under pressure

19/04/2022 | Benjamin Couteau |
Strategic Compass: industry or power?

Blog post
04/04/2022 | Nicole Gnesotto |
Europe unites in support of Ukraine under attack —Newsletter March 2022

Blog post
02/03/2022 |
European cybersecurity and data privacy:
Threats and prospects

Blog post
02/03/2022 | Arnault Barichella |
Le covid-19 remet-il en cause l’Europe de la défense ?

Blog post
18/05/2020 | Nicole Gnesotto |
L’armée européenne, y penser ?

Blog post
02/12/2019 |
Les Ateliers de la Citadelle

Blog post
04/02/2019 |
Brexit: potential scenarios amid turbulent waters

25/07/2018 | Elvire Fabry | Nicole Koenig |
The EU’s Four Strategic Challenges

10/07/2018 | Nicole Gnesotto |
A European Defence Union: In the name of the people?

Policy Paper
14/12/2017 | Nicole Koenig |
European Integration via Flexibility Tools: The Cases of EPPO and PESCO

Policy Paper
29/11/2017 | Valentin Kreilinger | Laura Maria Wolfstädter |
Strengthening European Defence: who sits at the PESCO table, what’s on the menu?

The EU as a 3-D Power: Should Europe Spend More on Diplomacy, Development and Defence?

Policy Paper
18/09/2017 | Nicole Koenig | Jörg Haas |
Brexit and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Policy Paper
13/09/2017 | Funda Tekin |
France and Germany: Spearheading a European Security and Defence Union?

Policy Paper
26/07/2017 | Nicole Koenig | Marie Walter-Franke |
Europe Facing the Challenge of Its Defence: Between Realism and Responsibility

Other document
03/07/2017 | Luc Vincent |
Enrico Letta about the main issues of the June 2017 EU Council

Other document
22/06/2017 | Enrico Letta |
The Awakening

Other document
“Europeans’ fate is in their hands”

Other document
15/12/2016 | Enrico Letta |
Strengthening European collective security

Other document
14/12/2016 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
For an ambitious Europe

Other document
08/11/2016 | Jean-Claude Juncker |
Building the future of the EU: our generation’s duty

Other document
07/11/2016 | Manuel Valls |
What European security and defence policy do we need?

Other document
22/12/2015 | Elvire Fabry | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
European Defence Cooperation : speak the truth, act now

Other document
10/11/2015 | Thomas Pellerin-Carlin |
On asylum and the euro: displaying solidarity is in our own interest

Other document
23/06/2015 | António Vitorino |
“Schengen”, terrorism and security

Other document
12/02/2015 | Yves Bertoncini | António Vitorino |
Resetting EU external action: potential and constraints

Policy Paper
03/02/2015 | Nicole Koenig |
Why we should believe in European defence

Other document
03/11/2014 | Elisabeth Guigou |
Defenceless Europe?

Other document
03/11/2014 | Elvire Fabry | Jordan Rowell |
Defence without Europe?

Other document
03/11/2014 |
Should European defence be scrapped?

Other document
11/09/2014 | Nicole Gnesotto |
European security after Libya and Ukraine: in search of a core leadership

Other document
Engaging Europe in the world

Other document
18/06/2014 | Jacques Delors | Pascal Lamy | António Vitorino | Eneko Landaburu | Elisabeth Guigou | Etienne Davignon | Nicole Gnesotto | Philippe De Schoutheete | Elvire Fabry | Sami Andoura |
Europeans and the use of force

16/12/2013 | António Vitorino | Elvire Fabry |
Foreign Policy and External Actions : an “unsurpassable horizon” for the EU?

Other document
05/11/2013 | Yves Bertoncini |
Think Global – Act European IV. Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

16/10/2013 | Elvire Fabry |
Europe of Defence: A pragmatic approach

Other document
28/05/2013 | Jean-Yves Le Drian |
Think Global – Act European IV – Thinking Strategically about the EU’s External Action

30/04/2013 | Elvire Fabry | Chiara Rosselli |
Defence: The French ambition for Europe

Other document
29/04/2013 | Sophie-Caroline De Margerie | Nicole Gnesotto |
European budget 2014-2020: seven years of bad luck?

Other document
18/03/2013 | Nadège Chambon | Marie Billotte |
Will Europeans ever agree on the use of military force?

Policy Paper
13/02/2013 | Jan Techau |
How to maintain hard capabilities in times of budget cuts?

Policy Paper
13/02/2013 | Ronja Kempin |
Strategic Priorities for EU Defence Policy

Policy Paper
13/02/2013 | Daniel Keohane |
The European Defence Industry’s Future: How European?

Policy Paper
13/02/2013 |
Welfare state sustainability: resetting EU migration strategy?

Other document
07/01/2013 | Chiara Rosselli | Elvire Fabry |
EU defence capacities: maintaining credibility?

Other document
11/12/2012 | Elvire Fabry | Chiara Rosselli |
Europe abroad : twenty years after Maastricht, is there anybody there ?

Other document
27/03/2012 | Sami Andoura |
Defence spending in Europe: Can we do better without spending more?

Policy Paper
29/06/2011 | Fabio Liberti |
Kosovo after 10 December 2007: What’s at stake for the European Union

Other document
07/12/2007 | Tamara Buschek | Bertrand de Largentaye |
Considerations on the Iraq Crise and the Effects on the Foreign Policy Common to the day before of an announced War

Other document
03/01/2007 | Bertrand de Largentaye |
The world is the stage: a global security strategy for the European Union

Policy Paper
22/08/2006 | Sven Biscop | Rik Coolsaet |
A driving force despite everything, Franco-German relations and the Enlarged European Union

22/08/2006 | Martin Koopmann |
Saint Malo plus five: an interim assessment of ESDP

Policy Paper
30/11/2003 | Jolyon Howorth |
9/11 and the Europeanisation of anti-terrorism policy: a critical assessment

Blog post
24/09/2003 | Monica Den Boer |
The European Security Conundrum: Prospects for ESDP after September 11, 2001

Policy Paper
28/02/2002 | Jolyon Howorth |
« Pologne, la puissance européenne de 2025 ? »

21/01/2025 | Cyrille Bret |
Face à l’alliance entre Trump et Musk, le silence assourdissant des Européens

14/01/2025 | Sylvie Matelly |
« Rien ne réjouit plus Wall Street et Pékin que la fragmentation de l’Europe »

18/12/2024 | Enrico Letta |